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ps3 Move, check50, illegal move are moving? help please

Please, I spent so many hours on this and I can't find the mistake I am doing. From the start, there are some numbers still move when they are illegal move. See description from check50: :( 3x3 ...
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next step after I made sort and search to make find work as mentionned in homework

please, I'm lost what to do next, after coding search and sort. what do i have to do to change haystack [] ?Do I have to change code in generate ? in find ? both ? is it something I have to add in ...
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link generate.c and helper.c

please help me understand what I'm missing... why I don't have any random numbers when I enter : ./generate 10 | ./find 10 (well that the same result I have when I entered ./generate 1000 50 | ./find ...
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generate doesn't work - find ps3

please help me find out what's wrong with the generate function because I the same result : Usage: ./generate n [s] even if I enter an argument or even change the code ? Here is the generate code : `#...
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bubble sort and linear search

As suggested I start with linear search to make sure the bubble sort is working. When I test my code as mentioned with ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 127, the result I have is: haystack[0] = Retry: ...
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