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Questions tagged [recursive]

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recursive atoi | CS50

Greeting everyone! I've written the code of pset3 recursive atoi, but I'm facing an issue with the formula that converts the integer to its place value. To be specific it's in this line (number = ...
XxGOLDENELIXIRxX's user avatar
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Iterative vs Recursive

I have searched in many resources on web and most of them claim, that iterative way of problem solving is faster. Plus, as I understood, recursive should require more memory during processing. My ...
LCK's user avatar
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pset5: working, no leaks but many errors says valgrind in my recursive trie

well it works, but i keep getting many errors related to init and freeRecursive that are my recursive functions to generate and delete my trie most of my errors are related to the condition of ...
Oscar's user avatar
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Pset 3 Recursive Binary Search problems - Always returns true

I have tried almost everything and edited my code a hundred times in search of an answer. It seems that whenever I run the program (find.c) the result always resolves to true. Not sure where the ...
Mo Amer's user avatar
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using return in call to recursive function

I've got a question. I'm using the unload function from my pset5 speller code as an example. I read somewhere that it is good habit to include a return in front of your call to the recursive function. ...
joshwong's user avatar
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calculations vs variables performance

In recursive scenarios, what brings more performance? Doing 3-4 simple calculations once, store result on a variable and then use variable maximum 3-4 times in each recursive function call? Or to skip ...
Alexandros Tsiapas's user avatar