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Pset8 Finance - Sell - Fails to update user's cash in "users" table, and fails to insert sold shares into "portfolio" table

Big picture: On the sell page of the CS50 Finance, I select the shares symbol I want to sell, and enter the number of shares, and click the Sell button, which redirects me to the homepage, but the ...
John's user avatar
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finance how to compare requested shares to shares owned

I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to write the sql statement to receive the amount of shares owned so I can compare it to the number requested, and if owned - requested < 0, don't let ...
Joel Banks's user avatar
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pset 8 finance: :( sell handles valid sale

:) Struggle with the last check. Get this error message: expected to find "56.00" in page, but it wasn't found Tried the same approach like I used for the buy-function. Create an extra template to ...
Dawienchi's user avatar
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pset8 finance: Problem with calculaton for "/sell"

I'm implementing the "sell" function and have a problem with the calculation of the new value for "share" and "cash". Here is my code: @app.route("/sell", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required ...
Dawienchi's user avatar