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1 answer

How can I get the signature?

I've been stuck on recover.c for a while now, and looking into the GDB, I've seen that when I fread card.raw into a variable to be able to pass it on, and found that there wasn't a single time in the ...
Léon Othenin-Girard's user avatar
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2 answers

PSET4 Recover Problem to repair .jpg's signature in hexadecimal

I'm not sure if I use correctly the hexadecimal notation to verify if there is a .jpeg signature in the beginning of my BLOCK of 512 bytes. My program compile well but no photograph is revealed. May ...
CharlesD89's user avatar
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1 answer

pset4 recover.c signature not written correct

I am using the code below for pset4 recover.c. I can see nothing wrong in this code. The code writes 16 jpgs but none of them is open able. The header of jpg files doesn't seem to have been written ...
Hussain Noor Mohamed's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Comparing jpg-signatures with fread-buffer; Can't find something

Using the if condition I am trying to compare the buffer with the given jpg signatures, but I never find something. In GDB I just see the while looping, but never entering the if condition. What have ...
Lex's user avatar
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