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Questions tagged [status-code-400]

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1 answer

Why do i get a 400 error with finance login?

I have made the register page. And am now trying to login, to the finance app, however I get a "400 error". I also get a 302, which I'm unsure if is relevant. DEBUG:cs50:SELECT * FROM users WHERE ...
Ryan Hinchliffe's user avatar
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1 answer
2k views won't connect BAD REQUEST "POST / HTTP/1.1" 400 -

I am trying to finish cs50w project 2 but I can't get to connect (at least i think that is the problem) I went into the source file and tried to recreate their example from vote1. This is ...
booklvr's user avatar
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what (%s) mean in printf in c

In printf("abdooo,%s\n ") what does %s mean ? And what will happen if I delete it?
abdelrhman moustafa's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does check50 fail with status code 400?

For the last month, I've been trying to use check50 to see if I wrote the right code for the problem sets, but no matter which problem, it always fails with status code 400. Any idea what I should ...
user81's user avatar
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