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Last word of dictionary file replaces all the nodes in node bucket

Currently I am working on the load function using a hash table with singly-linked list. I have tested the create(), insert(), and find() function in a separate file and they work as expected. ...
TQL's user avatar
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Pointers and arrays, don't understand the relationship

I made two structs, they are very similar. The first one is a node and the second one, called hash, only contains a pointer to a node. In main I've made pointers to allocated memory for them. newNode ...
Karin's user avatar
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pset 4 Recover creates 50 corrupted or mainly grey images

I wanted to try using malloc and a BUFFER structure of 512BYTES for this exercise with the intention of creating a file if the 4 signatures of a JPG are detected and fwriting the struct of 512B into ...
alo129's user avatar
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Want to make sure I understand struct, malloc, and pointers and how they relate to each other

Sort of related to PSET4 resize, but actually want to make sure I understand this in general. So at first I just declared a struct BITMAPINFOHEADER called "new_bi" and dealt with it while avoiding ...
CS50_on_the_go's user avatar
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How to free a nested struct?

In preparation for my final project, I am writing a C program that handles task lists. It utilizes a nested struct. For every line it reads from a file it creates a struct of type task. Each task then ...
Christian Weh's user avatar