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Questions tagged [final-project]

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The project moving

Community! I have a question. Unfortunately, I moved my project from the root folder using the commands: "mv .." and then "mv cd" After running those two ...
Katya Timchenko's user avatar
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Looking for Teammates for a CS50x Final Project – "Harvard vs Yale Asteroids" Game

I am nearing the completion of CS50x and am excited to dive into my final project, which involves transforming a game I developed "week 0" in Scratch into a JavaScript version. The game, ...
chris's user avatar
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Recovered Codespace outdated

It would seem an outdated version of my codespace got recovered. I was finishing up CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python a bit over 3 months ago and only my final project needed some more ...
Lisa T's user avatar
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What could be a pytest file for this program?

I have written this program as my final project. How would I write a pytest file to assure the program is properly tested. It really confused me since the functions I implemented in the program do NOT ...
Alaa Hamoush's user avatar
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The submission of the Final Project doesn't work 2023

I've just finished my final project and submitted it in the project directory of my code space. I can see all I want in my git, as you can see in the photo below. Submitting gives me a link, as usual, ...
Ganymede's user avatar
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Is it necessary to create your android app project in java....can i use kotlin also?

Kotlin is more used these days that's why im asking
Aditya Raj Singh's user avatar
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Final project - Using an external library (WTForms)

For my final project, I would like to use the WTForms library. Question number 1) Can I do it? Can I use an external library? Reading the instructions of the final project it would seem that there are ...
Marco Panichi's user avatar
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The installed cs50 library for python doesn't work on my Visual Studio Code on my Desktop

I've tried to set up Visual Studio Code on my Desktop for my final project (My online codespace is running out of storage), but despite having downloaded the cs50 library as follows pip3 install cs50 ...
Ganymede's user avatar
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What to do after the codespace has been deleted automatically?

I enroled CS50 this summer and it took me approximately all summer to finish it. Since I have time until January 1st to finish my final project, I didn't open my codespace again for a while. Now that ...
Farbod Mirkazemi's user avatar
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CS50W Capstone Project: Tools I Am Allowed to Use

It is mandatory in the project description to use django for the backend and Javascript in the frontend of my project. The course lessons introduce us to React and Bootstrap libraries. Can I also use ...
Praise Olusomiji's user avatar
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1k views does not contain all of the required information

I am doing CS50W course, Web Development with Python and JS. The Capstone project requires a file. Requirements defined here: CS50W Capstone Requirements I have changed and submitted my ...
Jack's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'method'

Hey guys I've been working on my final project. I keep running into this error When I run flask, this error occurs File "/home/ubuntu/project/", line 88, in login if request.method == &...
Lychee Tree's user avatar
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Key error(hash) in login function

If len (rows) != 1 or not check_password_hash (rows [0]["hash"], request.form.get ("password")): Return apology ("invalid username and/or password") The following ...
Pragati Chauhan's user avatar
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I get 50% at Final Project. How to fix it

I just uploaded my final project - Unity 3D game - and somehow get 50%. I followed all instructions: uploaded the video, made a README file, a long one, but still nothing happened. I even upload game ...
givikap's user avatar
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Should I deploy flask app for the final project?

I’m working on a final project, which is a web application using Flask. For it to be graded, should I deploy it on Heroku or only submit my source files. I’m not familiar with Heroku, and from what I ...
roman465's user avatar
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Why am I getting FileNotFoundError when using os.listdir with a local pathway?

I have a folder "uploads" nested in "img" nested in my "static" folder. I am using the path "/static/img/uploads" to get a list of the files in the uploads ...
Lperino's user avatar
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How to iterate over a list of values in a dict using jinja?

I have a dict with a list of values, basically each key has 10 values: movies = { 'title': ['The Shawshank Redemption', 'The Godfather', ..., 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'], '...
Kley Halisson's user avatar
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How can I launch my final project from CS50ide to the internet as a public website of my own?

Hi guys do you know how I can launch my final project which works perfectly on the CS50ide server to an actual domain on the internet? I have all my program files with me, and tried to create a ...
Yash Khandelwal's user avatar
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CS50 Final Project Help: SQL QUERY...inserting row from one table into another table after button pressed

I have nearly finished the Cs50x course but I am stuck on my final project. I am creating a website called 'Letterbooks' (inspired by Letterboxd) that allows you to log books that you have read. I am ...
H S's user avatar
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GET request for a file with a space in the name

When GET was trying to find a file named DS C0001, this was the error code: INFO: - - [24/May/2021 13:14:10] "GET /static/images/DS HTTP/1.0" 404 - I could simply reject all ...
Melvin 's user avatar
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Error 404 in trying to display an image (final project)

My project essentially takes an image from the user and outputs an image that is best suited for Instagram aspect ratios. Currently, it is able to receive the input, process it, and save it into the ...
Melvin 's user avatar
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Sqlite3 ProgrammingError in Python (Flask, file)

I am currently working on my final project, a web application using flask, SQL and javascript. I came across this issue: `sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (sqlite3.ProgrammingError) Cannot operate on ...
Timi's user avatar
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final project LOVE lua moving text enemy (e.g space invader enemies)

So I am making a space shooter vocabulary game where you are in a spaceship and you have to shoot the right spellings of words if you shoot the wrong ones then you lose a life but the thing is I am ...
Arsham's user avatar
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Html page is displayed well as file, but not on server

Here I tried from brackets IDE live preview it was working completely fine, but now it doesn't, i think i maybe deleted sth from C parition that causes this, i'm searching hard but i don't know what ...
Mazen's user avatar
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request.form.get returns NoneType

My code is probably going to get very tedious to read through, so I understand if answers come slow or do not come in at all. My issue is that when I use request.form.get on the user's input, I am ...
dillon__nguyen's user avatar
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Generate dynamic datefields from selected dropdown value sent to another route in Flask

EDIT With the good help of @DinoCoderSaurus, I realised that I overlooked adding a POST method to the datainput form and the routes also lacked GET and POST methods. Adding those modifications helped ...
EddyBeor's user avatar
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Cannot find "free" certificate

I completed now in November2020, how do I obtain the "link" of the online free certificate? To be honest I'm not even sure if there is a free certificate so please tell me if there is one. ...
ammar79797's user avatar
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FINAL PROJECT for cs50! can i make a game using unity and c#?

I just want to know if its ok to submit a game made with Unity using c# for the final project or do I need to make a game with LOVE2d using lua only?
Abhishek Gokal's user avatar
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CS50 Final Project Jinja For Loop Not Running

My final project is a task website that allows you to create tasks, complete them, and get alerted when you haven't done a task on time. Currently, I am working on alerting when the task is due. The ...
mkg15's user avatar
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Final Project - Get sql to work html, python and flask

On my website for my final project I am able to enter the user info on the website, but the information is not being inserted into the sql table. I feel that I am not understanding something very ...
Leonidas Smiley's user avatar
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CS50 Final Project / Personalized HTML path

I'm on the Final Project for CS50 and trying to make a simple website to type in General Tasks and get information within different Subjects. I decided to use Flask over Django, however now I'm stuck ...
abbanator's user avatar
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Final Project - if statement with regex not working?

Working on my final project and I'm stuck trying to edit user input. The below code should take the first string in a list and check if it's numeric. If it is, great, that's what I want, otherwise, I ...
Wh0am3ye's user avatar
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Linking to local html page

I am trying to link to my own html page that I have created in CS50 IDE. The html code is below. I have included 8 variations on trying to find the file. All return error 404. I have the file: &...
Kelvin Winspinger's user avatar
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Track Web Programming to real Web

I am doing the final project of CS50 and I want to know if I can use my code of the final project and make a real web page with a real adress outside CS50 server... is it possible? Thank you for the ...
santiago correa's user avatar
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RuntimeError: unused values (wp) in Final Project

I'm working on my final project for the Web Track and whenever someone wins the game (tictactoe) I get an internal server error and the error message: RuntimeError: unused values (wp) Now what this ...
Renée's user avatar
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Retrieving image from SQLite, "Invalid or Unsupported Image Format"

I am getting an Invalid or Unsupported Image Format when I open an image stored and retrieved in SQLite. When I input the convertToBinaryData file into the writeTofile function then the photo is ...
SozDaneron's user avatar
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RuntimeError: missing value for placeholder (:name)

all! I'm doing the final project, and I have a form whose contents I'm trying to submit to a database. My python code is: @app.route("/Contact.html", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def Contact(): if ...
Diaresta's user avatar
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Nesting SQL queries in Flask (final project)

I've been trying to only insert new ids if they weren't inserted before in my database, but the problem I've been having is that I couldn't get the nested queries to work in Python Flask. Whatever I ...
M Husseini's user avatar
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Absolute path in Cloud9

I am trying to upload an image to the SQLite database in a blob format. I run in to the problem when I am trying to get an absolute path to the image. The error I am getting is FileNotFoundError: [...
SozDaneron's user avatar
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Can't access and in CS50 IDE

I am on my final project and i have a simple flask app and and index html template. There are no errors in my app, however when i run flask, flask run, it says Running on (Press ...
Robin's user avatar
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Visual Studio C#: Picture box doesn't show

I am currently doing my final project. My game is supposed to shoot out a fireball whenever the spacebar is pressed and the wall in front of it gets destroyed. It works, when the spacebar is pressed, ...
jankendrick's user avatar
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Final project question and Hardware for a SQL server

Hello Dear Coders, I'm in charge of a radiology center (Xray imaging) and we need a cross server system to get patient datas with images. For the CS50 final exam I wish to build a "test" server for ...
saquiel's user avatar
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SQL Query returning nothing

For my final project, I query my database for a the ID of a city whose Name I already have. However, SQL returns no such city even when there is one. Code (Line with error is surrounded by stars): ...
AK2150's user avatar
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CS50 Final Project Strange Syntax Error

I am making a web app for my final project. In my code, a strange syntax error is occurring in the middle of a SQL query. Please, may somebody help? Code for that route (problematic line is ...
AK2150's user avatar
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Would remaking a past project be a valid Final Project submission?

I had made a certain command-line application in Python some time ago, independently, and am now considering porting it to Java and giving it a GUI; this would require me to essentially rewrite all ...
theberzi's user avatar
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CS50 final project, problem with submit50 in offline IDE

I'm so close :)), finished what should hopefully qualify for a final project. Due to internet problem where I'm from (I cannot load CS50 IDE on a browser, it could never load), I managed to download ...
buitri84's user avatar
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I am working on the my final project by doing a to do list. I created a dynamic table displaying all my tasks and I added a menu on which you can select a new status. Unfortunately I can't manage to ...
Francois Dumas Lattaque's user avatar
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How to set background color of a button based on query from sqlite database?

I am trying to create a "like" button for my web app (which acts like the "like" button on Facebook), where the number of times clicked by a user is stored in an sqlite database, and will display as "...
Gladys Lau's user avatar
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Typeahead does not work

I am trying to build a website with a search field in which users can search for universities stored in an SQLite3 database. I hope to use Typeahead to give suggestions as the user types. However, I ...
Gladys Lau's user avatar
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Final Project - Problem uploading files to IDE folder

Update: Does anyone know hot to get the folder's absolute path? It isn't ~/workspace/fp/documentos/ or any of it's variations, such as /workspace/fp/documentos/ or workspace/fp/documentos/. It seems ...
Oscar Medina's user avatar