I am making a web app for my final project. In my code, a strange syntax error is occurring in the middle of a SQL query. Please, may somebody help?

Code for that route (problematic line is surrounded by stars):

@app.route("/users/edit", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def edit_users():
    id = session['user_id']
    introle = int(db.execute("SELECT role FROM users WHERE userId = :id;", id=id)[0]['role'])
    if introle == 1:
        role = 'admin'
    elif introle == '2':
        role = 'engineer'
    if request.method == "GET":
        admin = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users WHERE role = 1;")
        admins = []
        for ad_min in admin:
        southern = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'southern';")
        southerns = []
        for south_ern in southern:
            southerns.append({"name": str(south_ern['userName']).title(), "id": int(south_ern['userId'])})
        northern = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'northern';")
        northerns = []
        for north_ern in northern:
            northerns.append(str({"name": str(north_ern['userName']).title(), "id": int(north_ern['userId'])})
        **northwestern = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'northwestern';")**
        northwesterns = []
        for north_west_ern in northwestern:
            northwesterns.append({"name": str(north_west_ern['userName']).title(), "id": int(north_west_ern['userId'])})
        eastern = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'eastern';")
        easterns = []
        for east_ern in eastern:
            easterns.append(str({"name": str(east_ern['userName']).title(), "id": int(east_ern['userId'])})
        lusakan = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'lusaka';")
        lusakans = []
        for lusak_an in lusakan:
            lusakans.append({"name": str(lusak_an['userName']).title(), "id": int(lusak_an['userId'])})
        central = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'central';")
        centrals = []
        for cent_ral in central:
            centrals.append(str({"name": str(cent_ral['userName']).title(), "id": int(cent_ral['userId'])})
        luapulan = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'luapula';")
        luapulans = []
        for luapul_an in luapulan:
            luapulans.append({"name": str(luapul_an['userName']).title(), "id": int(luapul_an['userId'])})
        copperbelt = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'copperbelt';")
        copperbelts = []
        for copper_belt in copperbelt:
            copperbelts.append({"name": str(copper_belt['userName']).title(), "id": int(copper_belt['userId'])})
        western = db.execute("SELECT userName FROM users JOIN provinces WHERE provinces.provinceId = users.provinceId AND provinces.provinceName = 'western';")
        westerns = []
        for west_ern in western:
            westerns.append({"name": str(west_ern['userName']).title(), "id": int(west_ern['userId'])})
        return render_template("editusers.html", user_id=role, admins=admins, southerns=southerns, northerns=northerns, northwesterns=northwesterns, easterns=easterns, lusakans=lusakans, centrals=centrals, luapulans=luapulans, copperbelts=copperbelts, westerns=westerns)
    elif request.method == "POST":
        tnumber = request.form.get("number")
        if tnumber:
            number = int(tnumber)
        name = request.form.get("name")
        if name:
            db.execute("UPDATE users SET userName = :name WHERE userId = :id", id=number)
        tpassword = request.form.get("password")
        if tpassword:
            password = generate_password_hash(tpassword)
            db.execute("UPDATE users SET password = :password WHERE userId = :id", id=number)
        tprovince = request.form.get("province")
        if tprovince:
            if tprovince == 10:
                province = None
                province = tprovince
            db.execute("UPDATE users SET province = :province WHERE userId = :id", id=number)

1 Answer 1


You should check the line before. Are all the open/close balanced? (My sources say no :)

  • Thanks, DinoCoderSaurus! I accidentally added an extra str( while not needing it or adding the closing ). This error was actually repeated a lot in my code, but thankfully, I solved it. Thank you so much!
    – AK2150
    Commented Dec 18, 2019 at 4:52

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