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How to submit a final project that is not in the CS50 VScode environment

I am ready to submit my final project. The video is on youtube and I have filled out the form. The file is completed. I have written the code on my macbook pro in VScode and it all seems to ...
Chris Joyce's user avatar
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No results in edx ai50 course submissions

I submitted these files and even though i used check50 on my terminal and passed all the tests i get no results on the submissions page. What is the problem?
theoneandonlysiuuuu's user avatar
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How do i submit tasks without submit50?

I have found the cs50 ide to be slow. I have resorted to the original one, but now how do I submit my assignments?
Afnan zafir's user avatar
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The submission of the Final Project doesn't work 2023

I've just finished my final project and submitted it in the project directory of my code space. I can see all I want in my git, as you can see in the photo below. Submitting gives me a link, as usual, ...
Ganymede's user avatar
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unable to install submit50 pip3 install submit50 throws error

the error I get is: [62 lines of output] /tmp/pip-build-env-zd28yw30/overlay/lib/python3.10/site-packages/setuptools/config/ _DeprecatedConfig: Deprecated config in setup.cfg !! ...
user1576396's user avatar
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No results hours after submission pset7

I completed pset7 yesterday and submitted it, but there are still no results after 12 hours and my progress has not been updated to show that I have completed week 7. Check50 worked fine, I'm logged ...
Malia's user avatar
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bash: check50: command not found

This is how I checked using Ubuntu whether or not the check50 and submit50 commands were already installed. However, in my Visual Studio Code the commands are still not found. What should I do? It has ...
Hazel's user avatar
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Submit50 Could not connect to GitHub

Whenever I try to submit a problem, I get this error: Connecting.......... Could not connect to GitHub, it seems you are offline. Submission cancelled. What I did : First I create Virtual ...
snpay's user avatar
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How to update submit50? (Installed via "pip3 install submit50")

I just installed submit50 using "pip3 install submit50". I tried to submit my indoor voice assignment and I got the message that my version of submit50 is outdated. How can I update ...
Aleksey Tsalolikhin's user avatar
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Submit 50 uploading old version of pset 1 - cash, I recompiled before submitting it's uploading an older version. Why?

I have tried recompiling again and resubmitting but it's still uploading the old version. -rwx------ 1 ubuntu ubuntu 17440 Mar 30 04:00 cash* -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 788 Mar 30 00:18 cash.c ~/ $...
White fire's user avatar
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How to submit Pest1 with SUBMIT50?

When I try to submit Pset1, in the terminal, it always does this: submit50 cs50/problems/2020/x/mario/less Connecting...... Authenticating..... GitHub username: A***********8144 GitHub password: ******...
Joy8144's user avatar
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Problem Set 7--Movies SQL Queries SUBMIT50 says Error when executing query: too many statements at once

The sumbit50 site only gives me credit for 7% of the assignment. I have completed all 13 sql and they work, but I must admit I checked them through PHPliteadmin in the movies.db. the queries are ...
NENENE's user avatar
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Submit50 for pset7 movies loads SQL files but returns "Error when executing query: missing statement"

When I execute: submit50 cs50/problems/2020/x/movies All my SQL files are sent for grading and all come back with the same error: Error when executing query: missing statement I have tried the sql ...
Kelvin Winspinger's user avatar
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Unable to use check50/submit50 commands

I have installed the Linux subsystem, but I do not understand how to initialize it and also how to install the tools for the course on it. I am also thus unable to use the check50/submit50 command
Manjaree Agarwal's user avatar
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submit50: command not found

I'm following the instructions to install submit50 from here. The commands appear to execute without any error: $ pip3 install submit50 WARNING: pip is being invoked by an old script wrapper. This ...
Mike's user avatar
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Using submit50 on VSCode

I'm doing CS50 AI and as a result been using submit50 in VSCode via the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Until I updated my IDE to the April update, submit50 used to ask my GitHub username and password in ...
Suhas Thalanki's user avatar
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pset1 submission issues

Hi I submitted pset1 mario and only got 65%. I went back to try and fix any issues to get a higher percentage but i just keep getting a lower % each time. I've tried to used check50 to check the code ...
Rìan Copeland's user avatar
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Submit50 & Check50 not submitting most upto date version of pset

I've been attempting to submit my Caesar cipher solution to no avail; my first submit worked fine but then I noticed that my code was well full of bugs. So, I fixed it, and submitted again. Following ...
Douglas G. Wright III's user avatar
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cs50web switch from submit50 to me50?

I started with cs50 web earlier this year, completed the first 3 assignments and then submitted by pushing them to the relevant branch of the submit50/USERNAME.git repository, and got a grading email ...
Chris's user avatar
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Encountering Error When Attempting to Update Submit50

Issue: When running the terminal command "pip install --upgrade submit50", I am getting the following error: "ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: /usr/local/bin/python3.7 -u -c 'import ...
razor0184's user avatar
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CS50 final project, problem with submit50 in offline IDE

I'm so close :)), finished what should hopefully qualify for a final project. Due to internet problem where I'm from (I cannot load CS50 IDE on a browser, it could never load), I managed to download ...
buitri84's user avatar
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PSET7 Survey Submit50 not recognizing select menu

I have finished the Survey problem and everything works perfectly, yet for some reason when I submit it my select menu is not recognized by Submit50 and it marks the "has one or more select menus, ...
Sigust's user avatar
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Installing check50 gives error - check50: command not found

I am currently using a Windows Subsystem with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and I was trying to install check50 and submit50 following the instructions under However, when I attempt ...
BusyProgrammer's user avatar
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Is there any way to use Check50 and Submit50 from CLion IDE?

I often use CLion for programming, and to complete my CS50 assignments, I would like to use CLion as well. At present, I know how to import CS50.h for using in CLion, but I couldn't find a way of ...
BusyProgrammer's user avatar
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Update GitHub credentials for submit50

I changed my GitHub password and now I can no longer submit problem sets with submit50. The output is as follows: Connecting...... Authenticating...... Invalid username and/or password. Submission ...
iso's user avatar
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2 answers

i am unable to submit my work in pset1 of marioless. It shows me a comment in yellow which says invalid slug.What should I do?

~/workspace/ $ submit50 cs50/2018/x/marioless Connecting.... Invalid slug. Did you mean to submit something else? ~/workspace/ $ submit50 cs50/2018/x/marioless Connecting..... Invalid slug. Did you ...
Asha Thomas's user avatar
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How can I clone the submit50 repo to my Github

I've finished cs50 and I'd like to save all code to my Github. Can I clone the submit50 repo which is private? I want to have all psets organized in folders in the master branch.
I J's user avatar
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check50/submit50 broken?

I'm trying to run check50 and submit50 on vigenere.c and I keep getting this error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/pyenv/versions/3.6.0/bin/check50", line 6, in <module>...
etigrenier's user avatar
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check50 and submit50 commands not found

I am opening cs50 after a few months and after trying update50, this is the message I'm getting at my command line: ~/workspace/pset1/ $ check50 cs50/2017/x/hello ...
Kewal Shah's user avatar
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check50: no such file or directory

I'm trying to test with check50 the speller but when I run "check50 cs50/2017/x/speller", I get "bash: /usr/bin/check50: No such file or directory". Same with submit50.
Donato's user avatar
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