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Questions tagged [cloud9]

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Absolute path in Cloud9

I am trying to upload an image to the SQLite database in a blob format. I run in to the problem when I am trying to get an absolute path to the image. The error I am getting is FileNotFoundError: [...
SozDaneron's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'current_app' in AWS Cloud9

I recently migrated my 2018 CS50 files from to AWS Cloud9, including my end of course project, which happens to borrow heavily from the CS50 Finance project. I am simply trying to re-run my ...
MikaelH's user avatar
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Cloud9 reports being disabled in June 2019. Do we migrate

Cloud 9 is reporting that it will be disabled on June 30, 2019. Is the recommendation to migrate now?
KayO133's user avatar
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Why does my CS50 IDE workspace info show a region of 'ae' on Cloud9 Dashboard (<user>)?

Why does my CS50 IDE workspace info show a region of 'ae' on Cloud9 Dashboard (
Dan's user avatar
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Curious icon in GitHub.. Any clue?

Salutations fellow CS50-goers, Just finished merging my CS50 files from CS50 IDE/Cloud9 onto my GitHub account, which (in sticking with the trend) ended up being more of a mission than anticipated. ...
Foxhole's user avatar
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Does grading of final project use / require Cloud9IDE (by Harvard / edX)?

I've been having problems using the scipy library with the Cloud9 IDE since the beginning of December 2017 when AWS acquired Cloud9, which is affecting my final project. I wrote about this back in ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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implicit declaration of function is invalid in C99

I'm getting an error. Here's my info from Terminal: make: *** [tests/myFunction] Error 1 ~/workspace/ $ make ./tests/myFunction clang -fsanitize=integer -fsanitize=undefined -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c11 -Wall ...
Max Makhrov's user avatar
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workspace stopped working cant get to my code?

I was working earlier I came home to finish problem set and my workspace is asking me to buy premium version of cloud 9. Is this a mistake or will I have to start over in a new IDE? Message: You ...
Jason's user avatar
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Best non-cloud9 IDE?

For those of you who have finished the course - do you continue to use the CS50 IDE? I would like to find an IDE that doesn't depend on the CS50 libraries and packages etc. and would like to find ...
adge's user avatar
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My cloud9 account has expired. How do i renew it?

The FAQ didn't cover this issue so I thought I would bring it up so hopefully someone here has encountered/solved this issue. Thankyou Bijan
Bijan Khadembashi's user avatar
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I can't access after I log in with my Edx account

Since yesterday, I'm trying to log in into but, once I connect my edu account, I get this page: I tried clicking on the links up there but it got me nowhere. Also, the phrase on the ...
Talita Maria Briganti Barbosa's user avatar
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CS50x ide offline

I'm trying to use the new IDE for CS50x, but i can't change the username in the terminal prompt. So I get this: jharvard@ide50-offline:~/workspace $ How can i change it to username@ide50-offline ?...
Luís Alves's user avatar