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1 answer

HY GUYS THERE is a problem with my terminal IN CODE.CS50.IO it has no dollar sign in it AND IT IS also not letting me type PLEASE HELP ME

I ALSO TRIED DOWNLOADING VSCODE and connecting it but it just doesnt open and says that it is the old version try downloding the new version of github but it doesnt download also
BUSHRA AHMED's user avatar
-1 votes
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PSET1: Receiving archive: checkir error: cash exists but is not a directory unable to process cash/

Please see attached snippet below. I am having difficulty creating the 'cash' folder or directory. I have followed all the command prompts from 'cd' through 'wget https:' as shown in the cs50 ...
bdxltk35's user avatar
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On my terminal I by mistake ran the command exit $? and i got logout message and now i can't go back how to go back?

[![Here you can see on terminal I am at /ubuntu/workspace on which i came after running command exit $? ][1]][1][1]:
sajwan's user avatar
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Stuck in mario-less directory in terminal CS50

I am working on cs50 mario less but im having trouble getting into the file mario.c In terminal I follow the steps to setting up the files and have no problem getting into the mario-less directory. ...
thisisjax's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't run debugger

I'm trying to run the debugger, by typing into the terminal: debug50 ./filename But unfortunately an error comes up in the terminal, saying: Failed to connect extension server on port None. Please ...
Programming 55's user avatar
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Strange CL output

I was testing my code to see if the command line argument's characters are digits but after plugging a random argument that was a mix of letters and numbers, I obtained a strange output. See what you ...
tinomutendaishe msakwa's user avatar
0 votes
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Pset2 Readability Not Working

I need help in executing the program here. This is my program and when I execute it, it asks me for a text. I copy-pasted the first HOW TO TEST YOUR CODE "One fish. Two fish. Red fish. Blue fish.&...
Sam AG's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable To Install CS50 Library for C on Android Termux

I downloaded cs50 library for C per the instructions on cs50 docs site. I then unzip it and run sudo make install but it display the error below: No superuser binary detected. Are you rooted? I'm ...
KeleosWilliam's user avatar
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1 answer

How to test pset7 queries in the terminal window?

I am trying to test the queries I've saved in files i.e. 1.sql, 2.sql,.... But I can't able to test them in the terminal window. The command given in the instruction is not showing any results. ...
Afrah Saleem's user avatar
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1 answer

pset2/Crack - Terminal disconnected after some time of running

My Crack program is OK, I found all passwords with 4 digits or less, but when it comes to 5 digits, after 10-20 min running my terminal gets a red message "Terminal Disconnected", and I have to start ...
Bruno Fialho's user avatar
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2 answers

Not In Directory In Terminal Window pset1/mario/less

In the terminal window the current directory is always shown on the line where a command can be typed in. While working on pset1/mario/less somehow I have created the issue by which the current ...
Robin's user avatar
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How do I get my old workspace(settings) back:CS50 workspace/terminal was closed and after opening a new one all settings where changed

I closed my workspace in cs50 during the programming course. Pressing F6 opens a new terminal called workspace/ - "" instead of the workspace/ that you see in examples(blue background), I can work ...
Floor's user avatar
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Failed to write to 'mario.c'. Failed to retrieve resource from

I ran Mario and one of the loops repeated forever. I exited the terminal and now I can't compile. I get this error message: Failed to write to 'mario.c'. Failed to retrieve resource from vfs-gce-usw-...
Ari Kalmen's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

I can't access my terminal window on my CS50 IDE page. Please help!

I accidentally click on the close option in the terminal window and now i don't know how to get it back. Please help me with this.
Abhishek  Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

how to quit python to normal command-line in cs50 ide

I know it's easy to run python in cs50 IDE terminal. You just type 'python' in the terminal. But how to quit the python mode and change back to normal command-line mode? which command should I use?
michael zhang's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

implicit declaration of function is invalid in C99

I'm getting an error. Here's my info from Terminal: make: *** [tests/myFunction] Error 1 ~/workspace/ $ make ./tests/myFunction clang -fsanitize=integer -fsanitize=undefined -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c11 -Wall ...
Max Makhrov's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Pset2 Initials Failing Check50

My initials program, although it appears correct, fails check50. I'm not sure why - check50 says its not printing a new line, but it does in the terminal. Please help me identify the problem: #...
Jason_V's user avatar
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1 answer

can not open my files or use the console

So - I have encountered this problem - when I log into I can not open any files or run the terminal (the file display area and terminal are just blank grey and do not react). I am not sure ...
McCzajnik's user avatar
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is this a terminal problem or what?

(hey again...real quick) So basically, my terminal shows something like this: 5 minutes equals 60 bottlesjharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset1): Help!, what did I do ?.
Hauwaabubakar1010's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't Type in Terminal This is what my terminal looks like. When I type nothing comes up. Enter and ctrl C do nothing. I've tried restarting my pc, changing browser, and rebooting the ...
DSmith's user avatar
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pset3: terminal window problem

I just finished writing selection sort and after my code was done I tried to run the program. After I give the needle as a command-line argument and input a couple of straws, I press ctr+d and nothing ...
Petar Petrov's user avatar
1 vote
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Home directory problem

I can't access any of the programs I've written in the terminal window. My home directory is listed as /home/ubuntu/workspace/ and I'm not sure how to get back to my username's directory. This ...
Laura's user avatar
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1 answer

What's wrong with this code?

Well, I don't know what's the matter with this code (Mario). When I run it, the terminal goes crazy, like a thousands enters are triggered, the "craziness" of the terminal don't stop, I have to quit ...
Paul_1898's user avatar
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right version of gedit

What is the latest version of gedit and how can I download it? I'm in week one and it's saying I don't need the cs50 appliance before getting gedit. However, when I download gedit(I may have an old ...
Bill Hendricks's user avatar
2 votes
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How to list the functions of a library in the terminal?

One can search for the functions in a library by searching the internet, e.g. or
smoens's user avatar
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Vigenere does not output correctly

This is driving me mad. I think I have implemented Caesar correctly, but Vigenere does not seem to work. I've tried everything. Please, let me know what happens. PD Sometimes, the terminal, halfway ...
Blanca Huergo Muñoz's user avatar
8 votes
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Gedit bottom panel terminal plugin missing

I have researched for 3 days and can't find an answer. My Gedit is not showing the bottom panel terminal, and the bottom panel option in "view" is grayed out. I went to Edit > Preferences >Plugins, ...
Andresm11's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

gedit terminal not working

I couldn't open gedit and tried the following command: sudo apt-get purge gedit && sudo apt-get install gedit then I got the message: not an ELF File - it has the wrong magic bytes at the ...
Zoltan Laczo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to quit when running into an infinite loop

How to quit when I run into an infinite loop in terminal window? It just prompts again no matter what I type.
eifphysics's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Help finding terminal window in gedit

Terminal window disappeared in gedit. 1) I went to View --> Bottom Panel and it is grayed out. 2) I went to Preferences --> Plugins --> Embedded Terminal and made sure that it was checked. I think ...
Daniel Levi's user avatar
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Terminal printing characters that look like boxes with random 0's and 1's

I'm going along with Section 3 and printing "BARFOO" in the caesar program. This is the output from terminal: This has happened many times with multiple programs and I originally assumed it was a ...
Kareem's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't get out of user's input in Terminal

I was testing my mario.c code in the Terminal tab in the bottom of the page and I coded the user's input part wrong. What's happening is that now, in the Terminal, I'm stuck in the user's input part ...
Francisco Leitão's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

Which command is used to clear terminal (output) window?

I tried "cls" but not worked. What is the command to completely clear the terminal window.
user avatar
6 votes
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Stopping an infinite loop while running

While running drafts of mario.c in pset 1 I will at times run a program that has an unintended infinite loop. Is there keystroke combination that I can use to stop the loop and return to the blinking ...
Joseph Youren's user avatar
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Internet works in browser but not in terminal [duplicate]

I use a proxy for my internet and i think the update50 works but check50 shows there is no internet connection
Sumit Bawri's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I open a Terminal window in gEdit?

After following the tutorial my gEdit window does not look the same as what the instructor is using in the video. His version is allowing him to view a Terminal window. Mine does not have this option. ...
Kellen Sprowl's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to use the 'vim' command to edit a program in the terminal?

For editing the program from the terminal window , we use the command vim program.c Then we can edit the program , how to save it after that and how to return to the terminal ? Which shortcut ...
Arjun Singh's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't download .zip file for pset3

I have problems downloading the file according to HTML specifications for problem set 3. I have tried running update50, connect50, I have logged off and back in again. The terminal isn't ...
Nikos Tsaftaridis's user avatar