I closed my workspace in cs50 during the programming course. Pressing F6 opens a new terminal called workspace/ - "" instead of the workspace/ that you see in examples(blue background), I can work with that. But it does not have the same settings like night mode, instead it is just plain white and sooo frustratinggg. How can I get my old workspace back?

  • What browser are you using? Do you see any errors in the JS console of your browser?
    – kzidane
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 11:58

1 Answer 1


There are many ways to open a new terminal, for example Alt+T, in the + button of a panel, or right-click on a directory in the tree on the left side. The last one has the nice effect of re-opening in the same directory when re-opening the VM the next day. Once open, you can drag around tabs between the various panels to arrange them however you like.

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