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crack, Different passwords produce the same HASH

i have a hard time understanding the crypt function and since there aren't any technical details of how it works out there, i tested it and i observed that it is producing the same hash for different ...
Foudouki's user avatar
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CS50, pset2, crack, suggested dictionary file

I am taking cs50 on edx and I am currently on pset2, crack. I want to find a dictionary file that has a fair (maybe over 50,000?) amount of words in it to encrypt and compare them with the hashed ...
Elena Kalema's user avatar
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PSET 2 - Crack - A way to improve?

To give a bit of context I am taking CS50 through EdX in 2019. I worked on pset2 (crack) the last few days. I got it "right" though I wonder if there are some ways to improve (1) the efficiency and (...
GuillaumeRbt's user avatar
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Week 2 CRACK: Erratic behavior with NULL '\0' when printing combinations of letters

I want to iterate through all possible combinations of the alphabet, including single letter outputs. For this purpose I included the use of '\0' so the first print out in the iteration is the sigle ...
Daniel Fernandez's user avatar
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PSET 2 Crack: Getting salt from argv[1]

I think I might be misunderstanding some basic things about strings because I'm really struggling to get the salt in crack. I'm getting compile errors from the below code. I've also tried making the ...
pwhalen's user avatar
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Crack(python) very slow

from sys import argv from crypt import crypt from string import ascii_letters from itertools import product if len(argv) != 2: print("Incorrect number of arguments") exit() hashed_p = argv[1]...
kuertzva's user avatar
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Crack.c Error in 2 passwords

For pset2 crack, I have managed to crack 10 of the 12 passwords given, but, the other 2 passwords are not getting cracked. Any help would be appreciated. Code: //Cracks password encrypted using ...
AK2150's user avatar
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How to generate passwords in Crack Pset 2?

Another question about Crack in pset2. Can I have passwords that are mixed with both lowercase and uppercase letters? Like: “PIzzA”? If so, I’m a little confused on how to write the code to get all ...
wolfbagel's user avatar
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Question about Crack in PSET2

My questions about Crack are: Before we pass in salt do we have to define it ourselves? For example, since it's a 2 digit number do we create a method that produces random numbers for salt or does it ...
wolfbagel's user avatar
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crack.c: No response 😒

When I run my crack.c, the program never responds. It just sits there and wastes time. I even tried debugging it on the CS50 IDE, and it was normal. Here is my code: #include <cs50.h> #include &...
fwoosh's user avatar
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crack.c: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL --SOLVED--

When I run my code: #include <cs50.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <crypt.h> #include <string.h> string crack(string hashed); string deleteAll(string s, char target); // ...
fwoosh's user avatar
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PSET6 CRACK (python)

I'm stuck on Crack (in Python). I wrote the following code, which I think should cover every case, however it runs for hours without finding a solution. Any thoughts/advice are appreciated. from sys ...
Adam DeCaria's user avatar
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Pset2 Crack - works for one password 50i2t3sOSAZtk--->(lol), but not for other passwords - why?

this version of crack works for lol, and prints the following: new hash = 50i2t3sOSAZtktr [what is the 'tr' at the end???] lol for other passwords, the program never returns a decoded pw, just ...
lMH's user avatar
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Unable to get crypt to print correct hash

i can get crypt to print the expected hash when i put the string directly into the function. however when passing a char array in i seem to be getting a different hash. Any suggestions? char ...
David Cannalonga's user avatar
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Bug? My Crack code was accepted though it doesn't work properly

Can't totally get a thing. My code was accepted and the score is 5 out of 5, however it does't work properly. After searching through the forum I inderstood that I should use strcmp() for comparing ...
ArMANIAK's user avatar
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pset2/Crack - Terminal disconnected after some time of running

My Crack program is OK, I found all passwords with 4 digits or less, but when it comes to 5 digits, after 10-20 min running my terminal gets a red message "Terminal Disconnected", and I have to start ...
Bruno Fialho's user avatar
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How long are the passwords for crack?

The docs seem to have conflicting instructions, Assume that each password is no longer than (gasp) four characters And then, Note: The walkthrough video incorrectly states that passwords are no ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Pset2 can't crack stelios password

My solution for Pset2 crack works for every password except for stelios's. I can crack other 5 character passwords (e.g., ABCDE, etc.), but for some reason, my code runs for 60m9.563s when trying to ...
AndrewAffolter's user avatar
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Unexpected variable change

Variable hash1 becames equal hash2 after operator hash2 = crypt(key,"50");. #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include <unistd.h> #define alphalen 52 #define halfalphalen 26 #define plen 5 #include <...
Nikita Kokorin's user avatar
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Crack program compiles but appears stuck when executed

So I've looked up a few posts with similar issues and taking the advice of commenters I've put printf after every For loop to see where the program gets stuck. It was initially was printing one ...
huevosysalchicha's user avatar
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pset2: Crack takes a lot of time

I take an average of 20 minutes to crack the password and some people are saying it can be done in less than 30 seconds, I have been trying to find out why my code takes that much time but I can't. #...
Ali Amaim's user avatar
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two strings (appear equivalent) return different hash

I have left some debug statements in my code so it should be easy to understand my problem. (these statements have comment DEBUG) I have manually ran crypt with salt 50 and password A. I have ...
Iain MacCormick's user avatar
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cs50 week 2 crack compiles but doesn't do anything

Any advice on why the code isn't running? Yet it compiles? Code Link: Thanks!
Yeung Benjamin's user avatar
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"Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault" on using recursion with crack pset 2

I am trying to get 3 characters combinations using recursion but after some calls i get Segmentation fault #include <cs50.h> #include <stdio.h> void three_Characters(char c, char c2, ...
Mahmoud Ali shaltoot's user avatar
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PSet2 - Why does crack only work with four characters or less?

I have been working on crack lately, and I have been running into a lot of problems. Sorry, but lately I have been needing to be on here a lot, probably asking stupid questions. I want to thank you ...
Jacob Pieczynski's user avatar
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PSet2 - Decrypted Password the Same Every Time

On Pset2, I feel like I am so close to finally finishing this project up. I am working on the crack one and no matter what password I input, the same password, ZZZZ returns. Where could I possibly be ...
Jacob Pieczynski's user avatar
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PSet 2 Crack - Password not changing

I am on the crack challenge in PSet 2. When I am reassigning the variables to check the crypt, I keep getting a segmentation error, so it's not changing. I understand my code is messy, but here it is. ...
Jacob Pieczynski's user avatar
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PSET 2 - CRACK - Does not give output/program loops seemingly forever

I managed to get the program to output some of the passwords but not all. For some of the hashes I use as input, the program executes seemingly forever. (haven't let it go on longer than 4 mins) Any ...
Joe Joe Joe's user avatar
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CS50: Crack - 'incompatible pointer types' error

I'm getting an 'incompatible pointer types' error when I try to compile my code. Wondering if anyone can help me figure out why? Here's my code and the error:
Joe Joe Joe's user avatar
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Style50 says "Looks good!" but "style" grade only 4 out of 5?

For pset2 - crack, I've run style50 and got a "Looks good!" but upon submitting, my style grade is marked as 4 out of 5. I see this question has been asked in the past and the solution usually was "...
diogo-botelho's user avatar
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SPEED: python vs C crack program

I have implemented a python and c version of crack way back from problem set 2. Both of them work, and both use the same algorithms/processing just expressed in two different languages. Out of ...
faelesterio's user avatar
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PSET2 Crack.c Segmentation Fault issue

Here is a clipping of my code, I know that the segmentation fault happens in the else condition char* testCase = "AAAAA\0"; string salt = "50"; for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { //Create random ...
Brennen Green's user avatar
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Crack - recursive (Python)

For the brute force password cracking method I have used this iterative approach. I tried to write a recursive function that did the same, but I am struggling. Could anyone give some pointers on ...
crrimson's user avatar
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How to better condense individual for loops per amount of characters on crack.c

currently I have a working solution for crack.c. However, it relies on me the programmer copying the previous for loops for the previous amount of characters before it and adding another for loop ...
Davis's user avatar
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just a quick question about the ends of char lists for PSET2 crack.c

I am having trouble with all the different types: strings, char, char * while appending, adding, concatenating variables that end up not compatible since they are different types. I am trying to run ...
faelesterio's user avatar
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pset2 crack.c not working on 5 digits codes but working on all others

i'm brand new here also bit dyslexic my spelling can be rough in comments so bee gentle pls:) basically I've made a code for crack.c which cracks 1-4digit passwords but does not work with 5 digit ...
aoc's user avatar
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Pset2 Crack problem

I wrote a code for the crack problem. To test the code I set hpass (stands for hashed password which is the input the user is going to enter) to crypt("AB","50")(see line 15). The expected output of ...
ARJUN AGGARWAL's user avatar
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Pset2: Crack - Why am I getting an error: Expected expression?

When I attempt to "make" this code, I'm getting error: expected expression on lines crack.c:33:31: and crack.c:37:31: Tried to debug this for ages but I'm just out of my depth, am I missing ...
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Submission not being graded Sentimental/Crack

it has been quite a few days but my submission for sentimental crack hasn't been graded. Moreover, pset 8 shows no submissions even after submitting my work! Whom do I reach out to? Kindly help me.
Archit Checker's user avatar
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pset2 crack password does't work

I'm trying to make pset2 crack but having so much problems and my head is about to explode. Here is my code; my first error is on line 41. I never get to pass a value to the key for crypt. I'm very ...
Marcos Bouzon's user avatar
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Why this code cannot decrypt passwords which are more than two characters?

#include <cs50.h> #include <crypt.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #define _XOPEN_SOURCE int main(int argc, string argv[]) { if (argc != ...
kukuku's user avatar
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PSET 2 - Can Crack be implemented for 5 characters in a more efficient way?

Okay, so I've finished the crack problem, and it runs, but since the pset2 now tells us the passwords can be upto 5 characters long, it takes about 48 minutes to get the password match for "zzzzz". ...
24binge-'s user avatar
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Pset 2 Crack producing different hashes for same variables each time

My program produces a different hash code for each variable, and I don't know why. char check[] = {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"}; char pw[5]; string checked_hash; ...
Aayush Kucheria's user avatar
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command line arguments help to use them in the program

I'm not sure how to include the input from the command-line arguement. I try to set the arguments equal to variables, bu it's not working. #include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> int main(...
Ari Kalmen's user avatar
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pset2 crack - stelios only password I can't crack

My crack code seems to be able to crack every single one of the hashes from pset2 except for stelios', which has hash 50nq4RV/NVU0I Does this pw have anything particular not included in the other ...
Valentin's user avatar
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End program by returning exit code 0 from bool function

so, for pset2 crack task i've generate a password, then encrypt this password and a salt to some result by result = crypt(pass, salt); After i want to compare result with hash, so i implemented a ...
Nazariy Kushnir's user avatar
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Extra charters added to char array

I keep getting an extra characters added to the end of my char arrays. When I execute the code below, I get "Hash: 50jMstBtCmj7s roflC}B. Where did the extra C}B at the end of the key array come ...
stevel's user avatar
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CS50 2017 crack.c not working properly

Can't understand why my code is not working. Tried 2 different loops to arrive at the solution but the first one does not arrive at anything and keeps on going: #include <stdio.h> //#include &...
Giovanni Piacenza's user avatar
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segmentation fault on crack

I've been trying crack problem in pset2 and most of the times it doesn't print something or gives segmentation fault I've tried to debug it using debug50 but that takes a great deal of time and even ...
Srajan Tiwari's user avatar
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PSET2: Can't figure out what's wrong with my crack.c code?

I've been trying to get my crack code working for days now. It took me a while to even understand the problem but I think I have somewhat of a handle on it now. My code compiles completely fine but ...
Kem's user avatar
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