I've tried to set up Visual Studio Code on my Desktop for my final project (My online codespace is running out of storage), but despite having downloaded the cs50 library as follows pip3 install cs50
in my VS Code terminal, when running my program, there is a ModuleNotFoundError:No module named 'cs50'
error message. After some research I found that the pip and python versions must be the same, but when checking my python is version 3.6.5 and my pip is for python 3.12 which, at least if I understood this correctly, should not cause a problem.
1 Answer
Coming back to the question I posed quite a while ago: For those of you that want to continue in an environment similar to CS50's, I'd suggest installing WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux). It should come with python3 installed, you can continue to use your beloved bash commands and things are just overall more pleasant. On top of that, the CS50 library has some LINUX dependent utility, it won't work properly (or not at all) on Windows. One other thing, I struggled with, was that I didn't add the installation folder to PATH
, I'd recommend doing some research about that. I'm not sure whether this was actually the answer to this specific problem, but it is certainly among the things I grasped too late.