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Questions tagged [final-project]

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Applied final project

For my final project I'm working on something similar to Mashup, only it is for a specific purpose. I want to help my uncle with his pet grooming business by using marketing data about potential ...
cb3k's user avatar
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Final project SQL Error: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

EDITED I am working on a conversion table website as my final project. I am using a base unit multiplier to convert one unit to the other. So for example centimeter to yard would look like this. ...
SozDaneron's user avatar
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CS50 Final Project: Unique URL for each user of my flask app

For the final project, I am trying to implement a flask application where people may write diaries and read others' diaries. I would like to create a unique URL for each user that shows the diaries ...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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Can a website access a mysql database of another website?

I have just started pset 8 and I am just reading through the documentations, and also thinking abt the final project, just had an idea and now the thought of it is taking my attention away from my ...
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar