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Questions tagged [cs50-web-django]

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CS50W project 4 Network with React

I'm trying to implement project 4 Network in Django and React, I created a react app and I downloaded the distribution code for Django. Now I'm stuck at using fetch and how make a call from the ...
Farouk Sabry's user avatar
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Images uploaded path in django

In a class named Listing in, I've mentioned img = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads") The uploaded images are uploaded in directory called uploads. and in listing.html i've ...
Farouk Sabry's user avatar
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CS50W Capstone Project: Tools I Am Allowed to Use

It is mandatory in the project description to use django for the backend and Javascript in the frontend of my project. The course lessons introduce us to React and Bootstrap libraries. Can I also use ...
Praise Olusomiji's user avatar
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What do we mean by "close" auction.?

In the Project, one of the objectives is: If the user is signed in and is the one who created the listing, the user should have the ability to “close” the auction from this page, which makes the ...
Khan's user avatar
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cs50web project 4 network - "Edit" feature - how to execute two fetch() without the need to create a time delay?

Working on "Edit" feature for project4 network. I wrote a javascript function with two fetch. First one to update the post. Second one to retrieve the now updated post and show it on page (...
dogchow's user avatar
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CS50 web - Problem 1, wiki

I'm confused by paths in Django. In the source code for the 'Wiki' problem, the file "wiki/" has this code (1) in it: urlpatterns = [ path('admin/',, path('', ...
David S's user avatar
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Edit Function Help - CS50 Web Project1 Wiki

I've been having trouble with the edit function for the wiki project1. So far I've tried many different approaches but nothing has worked. I have the "edit" button on every entry page of the ...
user14567126's user avatar
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How to get markdown info to HTML

Question from Project 1 in CS50W I'm stuck trying to get the markdown info from files to my HTML. I manage to get the markdown info into a HTML string, but when I input it to my HTML I get the same ...
Carlos Gonzalez's user avatar
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CS50W Django Project1 Wiki - Textarea issue

I got stuck at completing Wiki assignment because of strange behaviour of textarea in form, needed for creating and editing entries. Everytime user saves the entry, for each line of entered text there ...
Hellbartonio's user avatar
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CS50 Web 2020, Project 1 - Wiki, CSS not working

I'm currently using Django as explained in cs50w 2020 lecture 3. Under the static folder inside encyclopedia directory is the styles.css. This was in the distro code and there is already some styles ...
Jeevan Kumar's user avatar
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CS50Web python. I can't get a new entry to save and show on the homepage of my wiki project. I am using Django with python

I can't get my code to save a new entry and return an error message if entry already existed. its just the I can't figure out help please. code below
Gaza's user avatar
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