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Why is my code not working to play sound using Javascript?

var gamePattern = []; var randomNumber = 0; var randomChosenColor; function nextSequence() { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); randomChosenColor = buttonColors[randomNumber]; ...
Gugaan Shanmugam's user avatar
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1 answer

Week 8 Homepage - Adding text inside of a <div> is causing buttons inside of another <div> to stop working

This is the code in question. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min....
khalildouis's user avatar
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2 answers

Header links won't align to the right (P2)

In the work of search, I wanted to deal with the header links (Image Search and Advanced Search links) not aligning to the right. As I looked into my CSS file, everything works properly except text-...
Mark Giraffe's user avatar
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1 answer

CS50 Final Project / Personalized HTML path

I'm on the Final Project for CS50 and trying to make a simple website to type in General Tasks and get information within different Subjects. I decided to use Flask over Django, however now I'm stuck ...
abbanator's user avatar
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2 answers

How To Make A Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" Button For CS50 Project 0

In the project 0 requirements, it says that I need a Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" Button. I am not sure on how to make one. Does anyone know how to make a "I'm Feeling lucky" button. ...
Ysoni18's user avatar
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How do I create an advanced query page using HTML and CSS? Should I use any other langauges to make it a faster process?

How do I create an advanced query in HTML and CSS? I have to create a front end similar to Google and have already outfitted the first two pages, it's the 3rd page, the advanced query page that I need ...
Alpha Eon's user avatar
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1 answer

a:hover and a:active tags not editable in html/css

I'm trying to make a homepage as per the pset5, and want to change the color and decoration of hyperlinks. The a:link and a:visited tags were editable, but not the other two. Here's my code for ...
Yuvan Seth's user avatar
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1 answer

CSS File Not Being Executed In HTML Link

Put this line in my html and that css file is in the same directory. It is having no effect on my webpage. It's like it's not even there: . I tried trouble shooting as follows: I put my 2 files in ...
Joe Gancher's user avatar
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1 answer

Why my css file is not being implemented in my html file?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title>A Day in life of a dog</title> <link rel="spreadsheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <...
Himanshu Raghav's user avatar
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cs50 final project styles.css

For my final project, the idea is an extension of the pset7 finance so, it includes almost all of the code from that, apart from what I am adding. I have included the same styles.css file and now I ...
sk.76's user avatar
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1 answer

Why "rowspan" is not working in my code

I want to make last two columns "Current cash and grand total" having only one line in center and text aligned in center but row span iis not working here is the pic and here is html css code {% ...
Ahmed Raza's user avatar
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1 answer

Hints on how to style the postal code in pset8

I've been trying to style the postal code like the staff version, but without success. The code runs if I enclose <%- postal_code %> with the <span> tag, but if I try to add an id, ...
José's user avatar
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pset8 postal code not greying out like the staff's

In suggestion: _.template, how do I get the postal code to be greyed out in the dropdown like the staff version?
William Cullian's user avatar
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1 answer

Relative linking

I was looking at relative linking (in regards to css and js) and was wondering about following: I have a page and would like to load my external sheets, located at http://...
Vincent's user avatar
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0 answers

PSET7 Why can I not select last-child of table?

I am styline portfolio in PSET7. I am trying to select the last row to make it a different background colour but I can't seem to select it? I have tried various different ways but none work. HTML &...
Ryan McCauley's user avatar
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1 answer

CSS Having No Affect in PSET7

I'm trying to left align text in a table in pset7 and none of the CSS code I write in styles.css is having any affect whatsoever. I even went as far as giving an "id" to an individual "td" element and ...
Nicholas S's user avatar
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3 answers

Webdesign (final project question)

so I am having a bit of a problem here with editing my web project. This is my main.php: which is located in /final/public/main.php <?php $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path .= "/...
Fijj01's user avatar
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2 answers

pset8 : index.html does not find files in public/css , /js ... etc

When I use the Chrome in the appliance, I get this error in the console. GET file:///css/bootstrap.min.css net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND index.html:8 GET file:///css/bootstrap-theme.min.css net::...
Santiago Gonzalez Erazo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

CSS Table, Table Row Styling

In my CSS document, I have a selector for my leaderboard table. table#leaderboard { some css some css } How would I write CSS for the tr, or td for the leaderboard table? Would it be ...
i_am_david's user avatar
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Apology Function CSS

I changed the apology function to this: I still almost the same thing as before- just one line missing at the bottom because it's not a p tag. I want the apology to ...
i_am_david's user avatar
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CSS Table Gradient Not Working

I am trying to make a gradient for my table head, but it is not working at all. CSS: PHP + HTML I still have my nooby table.
i_am_david's user avatar
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1 answer

Much less comfortable section re pset5 [closed]

I'm taking cs50x and having a lot of trouble with pset6. I just noticed that there are experimental videos of sections given by many different TFs. Could anyone recommend one or two section ...
Robert Feduniak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pset7 Table HTML and CSS formatting

I'm working on pset7 porfolio, and I am trying to neatly style the table that shows the owned stocks. I can't seem to figure out the formatting/ ordering of the styling. I looked at w3's css styling ...
i_am_david's user avatar
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to what extent does CS50 teach the different languages? [closed]

There are many languages taught in CS50. javascript, css, html, c, [tag: PHP], etc. To what extent are they taught? Can I make my own websites after CS50 ? To what extend do I have to learn these ...
Gautam Sharma's user avatar
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1 answer

style.css not updating changes

I have finished the basic implementation for pset7 but I can't seem to be able to insert modifications in styles.css to the web page. For example, in the end even when I copied the modifications from ...
William Kenney's user avatar
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1 answer

Can you have a CSS class name with a space?

For my pset 8, I'm trying to make my seating chart look nice. I want to stylize the passengers list items, using CSS classes. For each house, I created classes looking like this. Now I can give ...
Jesse's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How to use inspect Element to view HTML and CSS of a website?

I was trying to view the html source code or css used in timeslide theme used on I cannot find out what CSS is used for that expansion effect that we click on a time stamp and the topic ...
Mercury's user avatar
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