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Questions tagged [linking]

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2 answers

How to link submit button with the <select> list in HTML?

I want to create an HTML page that consists of a <select> option list, and a submit button with it. There are 3 options in the list and I want that when one option is selected and the submit ...
Neha Shetty's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do we not have to link stdio?

In the video of compiler, we have to link the math library with hello.o with with the -lm flag. Why don't we have to link stdio library with hello.o?
Trương Quang Toàn's user avatar
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1 answer

style.css not updating changes

I have finished the basic implementation for pset7 but I can't seem to be able to insert modifications in styles.css to the web page. For example, in the end even when I copied the modifications from ...
William Kenney's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What is the point of the linker? Isn't its job already done by the preprocessor, when using the #include statements? [duplicate]

If the preprocessor takes the header files in the #include statements, such as #include , and puts them into the source code, why does the linker have to link it? Isn't the code for that header file ...
inv3rsion's user avatar