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Pset8 - Google Maps API - RefererNotAllowedMapError

am re-posting this question as really want to complete this pset and cant find a solution.

Have managed most of the problem set without a working map but now need to test markers.

After running flask the map shows briefly before i get “opps something went wrong”. I have checked the java console and am having the “RefererNotAllowedMapError”

I have tried update50 and re-downloading the source code (with provided api key) but result is the same. I'm not sure this is down to not being on the referrer list as from reading documentation i assume cs50 have used a wildcard to allow all ulrs ie. "http://ide50-*" or alike.

my ulr is

Really would like to complete this problem set so if anyone has had the same issue and a fix please let me know.

Many Thanks