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The problem set for Week 5 will challenge you to apply what you've learned about pointers, memory management, file i/o and structs, creating more complex data structures (such as Hash Tables or Tries) and leveraging their power to write a lightning-fast spell check algorithm.

1 vote

Pset5 resize works but fails check50 TODO- bytes and headers match staff bmp file

/resize 4 small.bmp student.bmp ~cs50/pset5/resize 2 small.bmp staff.bmp ~cs50/pset5/peek student.bmp staff.bmp and also by using this tool: xxd -c 12 -g 3 -s 54 staff.bmp xxd -c 12 -g 3 -s 54 student.bmp …
LeVl's user avatar
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pset5 load function in dictionary,error in valgrind

} Valgrind confused a bit, next step is using malloc, but I do not understand why it detected lime 63but not 65 This is the error which Im getting in valgrind: jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset5
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speller check50 sometimes successfully and sometimes error

jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset5): check50 2014.fall.pset5.speller dictionary.c dictionary.h Makefile :) dictionary.c, dictionary.h, Makefile exist :) speller compiles :) handles most basic words properly … jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset5): . …
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pset5 unload + valgrind

I tried to solve problem with memory usage but did not figure out where is the problem. Dictionary unloads successfully but still issue with memory access exists. I think that problem with dictionary_ …
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pset5 unload + valgrind

Solved all problems: reachable memory - in linked list added a new item in the end: iterate to the last item in list (not to null, but the last which refers to allocate memory for new word in the l …
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