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Why I am getting a whilte screen on pset8 mashup?

Don't know the exact cause of your issue, but while working on pset8, I did notice that when I added a new section of code to the project, if it wasn't working correctly, the map would not display and …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
1 vote

How to fix "PHP parse error" when running import?

The problem is simple. Look at the offending line: if (!is_readable($sourcefile) { Now check all of your parentheses pairings. This problem with mismatched parentheses occurs several times in …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Pset8: NoApiKeys error and the map does not display

When I did this program in 2015, I found that, as I was coding, if I did something wrong, the map wouldn't display - only a blank white screen. If you haven't started coding, but are just working on …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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When stock and user exist, update (PSET8)

SQL code is a bit different from programming language syntax. Here's a template to give you an idea how to do what you want. You'll have to change the appropriate vars and values for your needs. ;- …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Update portfolio on duplicate id and stock

The code would need to do a select on the table to find out how many shares are owned and then update the value. In this method, you need to do a SELECT from the table to find out if the user owns the …
Cliff B's user avatar
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How to tell if selling shares results in a negative amount pset8

Shot in the dark: if dbshares[0]['shares'] - shares < 0: The precedence order has "<" over "-". That means that "shares < 0" is being evaluated first. Maybe try adding parentheses? if (dbshares …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
1 vote

Define buy or selling function

I don't really see any practical reason or method to using the same function for both buy and sell. While there's overlap, the differences are enough that they should be separate functions. Combining …
Cliff B's user avatar
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Pset8 Finance stocks typed in lower case don't appear in portfolio

how about toupper(in c) or upper(python)? Best practice is to convert every symbol to uppercase before putting it into a table and before trying to do a search on a symbol. BTW, isupper only check …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Import for Mashup

The table probably already has values in it or is getting some loaded in successfully, but the problem isn't with what is already in the table. Basically, it looks like something is trying to do an …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Pset8 search.php (still) not working

Instead, try AGAINST (?)", Also, you must have a FULLTEXT index across all the columns in your query and include no other columns in that index. This index is created in the database, not coded in a …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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pset8 query function

$lines[12] doesn't exist on $lines as return value from fgetcsv...get rid of "id" as one of your insert values – Mauricio Aguilar Cardenas 7 hours ago Thanks, this has worked. Data seems to stop inp …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Mashup Infowindow Opening on Same Markers

If that's your last problem, then I think that you are finished! Think about the real-world practical application of what's happening and not the code. The clue is that you clicked on two cities tha …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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finance how to compare requested shares to shares owned

It would be something like this: SELECT shares FROM portfolio WHERE userid = :userid AND symbol = :symbol The exact syntax is probably messed up (I haven't done this in a while) but the form of the …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
1 vote

PSET8 Finance Buy. SQL query not executing

Did you test the query directly on the database? My gut says that the "/" in the buy/sell column name is causing problems. Try changing the column name in the table to something without any special ch …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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FINANCE: GROUP BY doesn't add up the numbers of shares of the same stock

BY doing "GROUP BY symbol, shares", it will do exactly that - any rows of AAPL, 4 shares will be grouped together, and any AAPL, 3 shares will be in a separate grouping. try "GROUP BY userid, symbol" …
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k

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