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CS50P PSET5: test_bank passes Pytest but not check50

Re-read the instructions very closely: They say (in part): "restructure your code per the below, wherein value expects a str as input and returns 0 if that str starts with “hello”, 20 if that str ...
kcw78's user avatar
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PSET 5 Test plates : getting exit code 0 instead of 1

I am posting the answer so that if somebody faces similar issue, they find it helpful. I had missed to include an important information from the original vanity plates problem while doing this problem....
Athi's user avatar
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PS5: Vanity Plates : Expected exit code 0, not 1 while testing

You are missing a return false in your is_valid check for length less than 2 It would be good to have test cases for all the ways a plate could be invalid. You don't check for a letter following ...
UpAndAdam's user avatar
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I tried a lot of ways but couldn't figure out why this exit code is always 1.(cs50p-Pset5)

The spec says "restructure your code as below": def main(): ... def value(greeting): ... if __name__ == "__main__": main() The posted code is not structured as ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar

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