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2 votes

Vigenere-Struggling to understand why garbage values are being printed

If you run the code with key = "bbb" and plaintext ABC, the result is ciphertext:BACBDC. This is a mix of the properly coded BCD and the original ABC, printing alternatingly from each string. This ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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Vigenere producing garbage value unsure why/how

All of these problems revolve around the index for the key, j, and how it is checked and reset. First, the check: if(j>strlen(argv[1])) Let's say there are 3 letters in the key. strlen(argv[1]...
Cliff B's user avatar
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Pset2 Vigenere, array with garbage

Did you remember to store the end of string marker in cipher? Did you allow space to store it? If this answers your question, please click on the check mark to accept. Let's keep up on forum ...
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