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Why does my re-submission of a project from 2019 get a lower score in 2020?

Maybe it doesn't exactly match the spec any longer? Maybe a different test data set revealed another problem? Maybe you lost more points because they're now also checking style and grading it? ...
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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Week 1 - Hello (I do not have place to write the code)

Create new file with name "hello.c" or it is already given with + tab in sandbox. LINK for problem sets: Problem set 1
Azha Balouch's user avatar
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compile error on "hello, world" program

Turned out to (possibly) be a glitch in the IDE. For whatever reason, the file didn't save, so there was no main function - in fact, no code at all. Whatever the cause, it's fixed. If this answers ...
Cliff B's user avatar
  • 69.3k
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PSET1: Can't check hello.c

Just check50 cs50/2018/x/hello, without mentioning hello.c (as it used to be years ago). The checker will get a list of files to upload.
Blauelf's user avatar
  • 21k

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