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Showing a picture saved in CS50 IDE in Homepage

Do not use '.JPG'. Instead use '.jpg'.. Also check if your image file is .jpg or .jpeg Use exact same name as the file (even the capitalization) Have a great day!
Himanshi's user avatar
  • 401
1 vote

Why the <p> need not be closed?

You can't put a non-inline content (like a form) inside of a paragraph tag.
curiouskiwi's user avatar
  • 18.7k
1 vote

Home Page Specs: 4 Linked Pages are Homemade or Pre-made Public Offerings?

I will proceed on the reasoned assumption that we have to make 4 HTML pages as a further spec states that they must contain direct links to one another. Such a requirement would preclude external ...
Joe Gancher's user avatar

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