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3 votes

Complex Scratch Scrips

I think the course defines itself as "introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming." It is indeed an art, there are people with an enormous talent for it,...
MARS's user avatar
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2 votes

How to spawn sprite on random edge axes

You may do it in a few ways this is one of those:
obesman's user avatar
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1 vote check50 says I am returning '2'

Figured out the problem!!! My original prompt read: "Input a mass in kg to Calculate E=Mc^2" , and I have to look into WHY but the ^2 was causing problems. I changed my code to "Input a ...
ifajardo's user avatar
1 vote check50 says I am returning '2'

You have a few minor problems which may be causing your failure: in your print statement you should be converting the result of the math to a string: print(str(mass_to_energy(user_in))) The program ...
UpAndAdam's user avatar
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1 vote

Pset0 - Check50 returns no results

There's neither check50 nor submit50 no submit50 for pset0. Edit: There is apperently check50 as a button on the submissions page. Missed that one. If it exists for you, that means the system seems ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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1 vote

Not seeing scores after submitting a while ago, what's wrong?

Per the FAQ: Not graded yet? If it’s been a while since you submitted Problem Set 0, but you’re still not seeing a grade for it in, be sure you’ve linked your edX account at
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I submit pset0 using cs50 ide (edx course, 2017), or there is another way?

Consult the Problem Set 0 specification. In particular, the section at the bottom titled "How to Submit" will answer your question.
Peter's user avatar
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1 vote

pset0 scratch how to pause the game

When you click to show the variable "play/pause", it shows that the variable is indeed working - it switches from play to pause and back again every time you click "p". However, nothing happens when ...
SuperNovaCoder's user avatar

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