Am starting a new thread as I'm having trouble understanding what is wrong with the code.. I've added printf statements at the jpgCheck function and did not get a print. I suspect it's the function?
Is there any problems with my logic? (included pseudocode if it help/is faster)
* recover.c
* Computer Science 50
* Problem Set 4
* Recovers JPEGs from a forensic image.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MEMORYBLOCK 512
#include <cs50.h>
#include "jpg.h"
bool jpgCheck(BYTE data[], BYTE jpgSig[]);
int main(void)
//declare variables
BYTE store[MEMORYBLOCK]; //int == 4 bytes, we want, 1 byte
//chars of arrays for sprintf
char title[sizeof "###.jpg"];
//filename counter
int fileNameCounter = 0;
//found jpg yet?
bool foundJpg = false;
//firstPass = true
bool firstPass = true;
bool storeIsJpg = false;
// JPEG signature
BYTE jpgSig[3] = { 0xff, 0xd8, 0xff };
//solution 3 (I think this is it..!!.. [update: 7-Dec-2016] just kidding.. not it.)
//once open
FILE* inptr = fopen("card.raw", "r");
if(inptr == NULL)
printf("could not open file\n");
return 1;
//size of card
fseek(inptr, 0, SEEK_END);
int cardSize = ftell(inptr);
//for each block in the card
for(int h = 0, noOfBlocks = cardSize/512; h < noOfBlocks; h++)
//for within each 512 memory block
for(int i = 0; i < MEMORYBLOCK; i++)
//read & store 512bytes in memory[i]
fread(&(store[i]), 1, 1, inptr);
if(jpgCheck(store, jpgSig) == true)
storeIsJpg = true;
//if store[1],[2],[3],[4] is jpg && already found jpg
if((storeIsJpg == true) && (foundJpg == true))
//fileNameCounter ++
//foundJpg = false
foundJpg = false;
//create a new file, name it accordingly
sprintf(title, "%03d.txt", fileNameCounter);
//open the newly created file
FILE* outptr = fopen(title, "w");
if(outptr == NULL)
printf("could not create file\n");
return 2;
//if store[1],[2],[3],[4] is jpg || already found jpg
if((storeIsJpg == true) || (foundJpg == true))
{ //foundJpg = true
foundJpg = true;
//if(firstPass = true)
//open the newly created file
FILE* outptr = fopen(title, "w");
if(outptr == NULL)
printf("could not create file\n");
return 2;
if(firstPass == true);
//create a new file, name it accordingly //fopen("fileNameCounter.jpg", "w")
//create a new file, name it accordingly
sprintf(title, "%03d.txt", fileNameCounter);
//firsPass = false
firstPass = false;
//write current memory[i] into output ////fwrite(&(store[i]), 1, 1, outptr);
for(int i = 0; i < MEMORYBLOCK; i++)
fwrite(&(store[i]), 1, 1, outptr);
//remember to close opened files and free memory(if any)
//function to JpgCheck
bool jpgCheck(BYTE data[], BYTE jpgSig[])
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if ((data[i]) != (jpgSig[i]))
return false;
if (data[3] != 0xe0 || data[3] != 0xe0 || data[3] != 0xe1 || data[3] != 0xe2 || data[3] != 0xe3 || data[3] != 0xe4 || data[3] != 0xe5
|| data[3] != 0xe6 || data[3] != 0xe7 || data[3] != 0xe8 || data[3] != 0xe8 || data[3] != 0xe9 || data[3] != 0xea || data[3] != 0xeb
|| data[3] != 0xec || data[3] != 0xed || data[3] != 0xee || data[3] != 0xef)
return false;
return true;
The jpg.h file
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
Below is my pseudo code to ease the reading (if required):
//solution 3
//once open
//firstPass = true
//for each block in the card //for(int h = 0, noOfBlocks = cardSize/512; h < noOfBlocks; h++)
//for within each 512 memory block //for(int i = 0; i < MEMORYBLOCK; i++)
//read & store 512bytes in store[i] //fread(&(store[i]), 1, 1, inptr);
//if this 512 block is jpg && already found jpg
//fileNameCounter ++
//foundJpg = false
//create a new file, name it accordingly //fopen("fileNameCounter.jpg", "w")
//if this 512 block is jpg || already found jpg
//foundJpg = true
//if(firstPass = true)
//create a new file, name it accordingly //fopen("fileNameCounter.jpg", "w")
//firsPass = false
//write current memory[i] into output ////fwrite(&(store[i]), 1, 1, outptr);
//close files