So I am having trouble implementing the if function to test whether the number of shares the user is requesting to sell is less than the number of shares they have for that stock. Here's what I have right now, which is giving me a "list index out of range" error:
@app.route("/sell", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def sell():
if request.method == "POST":
if not request.form.get("symbol"):
return apology("must enter stock symbol")
shares = int(request.form.get("shares"))
if not shares:
return apology("must enter number of shares")
userdict = db.execute("SELECT SUM(shares) FROM users WHERE id = :id", id = session["user_id"])
cash = userdict["cash"]
stock = lookup(request.form.get("symbol"))
name = stock['name']
symbol = stock['symbol']
price = stock['price']
portfolio = db.execute("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE stock = :stock GROUP BY stock", stock = stock)
amount = -1*shares*price
share_amount = portfolio[0]["shares"]
if share_amount >= int(request.form.get("shares")):
transaction = db.execute("INSERT INTO transactions (user, stock, shares, price, amount) VALUES (:username, :symbol, :shares, :price, :amount)", username=userdict["username"], symbol = stock['symbol'], shares = -1*int(request.form.get("shares")), price = stock['price'], amount = -1*shares*price)
cashupdate = db.execute("UPDATE users SET cash = cash - (:amount) WHERE id = :id", amount = -1*shares*price, id = session["user_id"])
sold = 'You sold %s shares of %s (%s) for %s.' % (shares, name, symbol, amount)
return render_template("sold.html", name = sold)
return apology("You don't have this many shares to sell.")
return render_template("sell.html")
Basically, if I replace share_amount with a fixed integer (lets say 10), and want to sell 5 shares, it allows me to do so. However, I can't seem to figure out how to implement share_amount to represent the number of shares I have in my assets for a particular stock. Can someone help?