I just try to do the Pset1 cash task and have a little problem. Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
int main(void){
float numberOfCoins = 0;
int amQuarter;
int amDime;
int amNickel;
int amPenny;
printf("Change owed: ");
float change = get_float();
amQuarter = change / 0.25;
printf("Amount Quarter = %i\n", amQuarter);
change -= amQuarter * 0.25;
amDime = change / 0.1;
printf("AMount Dime = %i\n", amDime);
change -= amDime * 0.1;
amNickel = change / 0.05;
printf("Amount Nickel = %i\n", amNickel);
change -= amNickel * 0.05;
printf("Current change: %f \n", change);
amPenny = change / 0.01;
printf("Amount Penny = %i \n", amPenny);
numberOfCoins = amQuarter + amDime + amNickel + amPenny;
printf("Number of Coins = %f \n", numberOfCoins);
Thr printf in between were just for me, so I could check what happened. My problem is, that amPenny is always buggy.
For example, if I try it out with 0.41, in the end, we have amPenny = 0.01/0.01, and for some reason, that is 0. Or else 0.02/0.01 = 1.
Can someone tell me what is wrong and how to fix it?