I have completed CS50 for Lawyers and CS50 for Business on last September 2020 and October 2020. I have passed the satisfactory grade (the minimum scores required to earn a passing grade on each assignment). I'm wondering why I haven't received the certificates yet. Any explanation will be appreciated. And I am looking forward to receiving the CS50 Certificates. Thank you so much!

1 Answer 1


Did you read the FAQ's on the lawyer's courseware (or similary, business)?

How do I get my free CS50 Certificate?

Once you have completed the course and met all of the requirements, you’ll see a notice atop your cs50.me/cs50l page that your free CS50 Certificate, much like the one shown here, will be available within 30 days. You can visit certificates.cs50.io and log in with your edX credentials to obtain this certificate. Please be patient here; these certificates need to be loaded manually and as such we do batch them and generate them only once every 30 days.

  • Yes I did read it. And I just now checked it again but I didn't find my certificates yet there in certificates.cs50.io :-(
    – Arya IC
    Commented Oct 27, 2020 at 8:58
  • I just got the certificates this morning! Thank you!
    – Arya IC
    Commented Oct 28, 2020 at 7:32

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