I have been trying to complete readability python but on every result it is showing before Grade one

from cs50 import get_string

s = get_string("Text: ").strip()

num_letters, num_sentences, num_words = 0,0,0

for i in range(len(s)):
    if (i == 0  and s[i] != ' ') or (i != len(s) - 1 and s[i] == ' ' and s[i + 1] != ' '):
        num_words += 1
if s[i].isalpha():
    num_letters += 1
if s[i] == '.' or s[i] == '?' or s[i] == '!':
            num_sentences += 1

L = num_letters / num_words * 100

S = num_sentences / num_words * 100

index = round(0.0588 * L - 0.296 * S - 15.8)

if index < 1:
    print("Before Grade 1")
elif index >= 16:
        print("Grade 16+")
    print(f"Grade {index}")

1 Answer 1


Have you verified the counts are correct? It appears that the code isn't counting letters or sentences. That will result in a calculation of 0 every time.

Hint: python code is dependent on indentation in loops.

This is as far as I could get. The IDE is being very twitchy for me at the moment.

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