This is the formula cs50 gave us to solve iteratively, enter image description here

And for the second part of the formula we are supposed to repeat until the pagerank doesn't change by more than 0.001. I don't really understand what cs50 means by this. Can someone explain how to use the second part of the formula, and what cs50 means by repeat until the pagerank doesn't change by more than 0.001. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


This notation is explained in the lecture at about the 45 minute mark. It's saying that for each page that links TO page 'p', you need to find the page rank for that page, then divide by the number of links on that page. After you've done that for each of the pages that link to page 'p', sum up the values that you get and multiply by the damping factor.

The corpus dictionary doesn't give you the values for which pages link TO each page, so you will have to figure out which pages link to each page before you can tackle the formula.

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