My PageRank results from iteration come up more than .001 off the initial sampling result but I am not sure where I went wrong. please see code below followed by results. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!
import os
import random
import re
import sys
DAMPING = 0.85
SAMPLES = 10000
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.exit("Usage: python corpus")
corpus = crawl(sys.argv[1])
ranks = sample_pagerank(corpus, DAMPING, SAMPLES)
print(f"PageRank Results from Sampling (n = {SAMPLES})")
for page in sorted(ranks):
print(f" {page}: {ranks[page]:.4f}")
ranks = iterate_pagerank(corpus, DAMPING)
print(f"PageRank Results from Iteration")
for page in sorted(ranks):
print(f" {page}: {ranks[page]:.4f}")
def crawl(directory):
Parse a directory of HTML pages and check for links to other pages.
Return a dictionary where each key is a page, and values are
a list of all other pages in the corpus that are linked to by the page.
pages = dict()
# Extract all links from HTML files
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if not filename.endswith(".html"):
with open(os.path.join(directory, filename)) as f:
contents =
links = re.findall(r"<a\s+(?:[^>]*?)href=\"([^\"]*)\"", contents)
pages[filename] = set(links) - {filename}
# Only include links to other pages in the corpus
for filename in pages:
pages[filename] = set(
link for link in pages[filename]
if link in pages
return pages
def transition_model(corpus, page, damping_factor):
Return a probability distribution over which page to visit next,
given a current page.
With probability `damping_factor`, choose a link at random
linked to by `page`. With probability `1 - damping_factor`, choose
a link at random chosen from all pages in the corpus.
# dictionary for probability distribution
probability_dist = dict()
# With probability `damping_factor`, choose a link at random linked to by `page`
page_link = corpus[page]
#With probability `1 - damping_factor`, choose a link at random chosen from all pages in the corpus
# var for list of available links
available_link = []
# check if page in corpus and add to available_link
for page in corpus:
# initialize probability dist via page
probability_dist[page] = 0
# check if link in page_link
for link in page_link:
# apply damping factor for page_link
probability_dist[link] = (damping_factor) * (1/len(page_link))
# check if link in available_link
for link in available_link:
# apply damping factor for available_link
probability_dist[link] = probability_dist[link] + ((1- damping_factor) * (1/len(available_link)))
return probability_dist
def sample_pagerank(corpus, damping_factor, n):
Return PageRank values for each page by sampling `n` pages
according to transition model, starting with a page at random.
Return a dictionary where keys are page names, and values are
their estimated PageRank value (a value between 0 and 1). All
PageRank values should sum to 1.
# get pages from corpus key/value pairs in dictionary in a list
pages = list(corpus.keys())
# dictionary for new pages
new_pages = dict()
# random initial page
initial_page = random.choice(pages)
# go through each page in pages and initialize probablitiy dist to 0
for page in pages:
new_pages[page] = 0
# Update probablity via N samples from previous pages(initial page)
new_probablity = transition_model(corpus, initial_page, damping_factor)
# go through new probablities via new sample from initial page
for i in range(0, n-1):
# random page based on new probablity applied via key/value pairs
random_page = random.choices(list(new_probablity.keys()), list(new_probablity.values()))
# add probablity of page popping up randomly via new sample
new_pages[random_page[0]] = new_pages[random_page[0]] + 1/n
# get new updated probabity via transition model
new_probablity = transition_model(corpus, random_page[0], damping_factor)
return new_pages
def iterate_pagerank(corpus, damping_factor):
Return PageRank values for each page by iteratively updating
PageRank values until convergence.
Return a dictionary where keys are page names, and values are
their estimated PageRank value (a value between 0 and 1). All
PageRank values should sum to 1.
# dictionary for total number of links
numlinks = dict()
# set variable for corpus length
n = len(corpus)
# set variable for damping factor
d = damping_factor
# dictionary for page
page = dict()
# dictionary for pagerank
pagerank = dict()
# loop through selected corpus set
for i in corpus:
pagerank[i] = set()
# confirm ready to initialize
if (len(corpus[i]) == 0):
corpus[i] = set(corpus.keys())
# get page and page rank from dictionary via key:value pairs
for i in corpus:
for j in corpus[i]:
numlinks[i] = len(corpus[i])
# initialize page
for i in corpus:
page[i] = 1/n
# variable for active
active = True
while active:
# dictionary for new pages
new_page = dict()
# loop through and apply damping factor/sample for page
for i in corpus:
new_page[i] = (1 - d) / n
# loop through and apply damping factor/sample for pagerank
for j in pagerank[i]:
new_page[i] += d * page[j] / numlinks[j]
# variable to initialize second_condition
second_condition = 0
#confirm active
while active:
# loop through to check for difference in sample and iteration
for i in corpus:
diff = abs(new_page[i] - page[i])
# limit difference to .001
if diff >= .001:
active = False
# compare difference and update to sample
page[i] = new_page[i]
second_condition += page[i]
return page
if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python corpus0
PageRank Results from Sampling (n = 10000)
1.html: 0.2178
2.html: 0.4291
3.html: 0.2199
4.html: 0.1331
PageRank Results from Iteration
1.html: 0.1437
2.html: 0.5687
3.html: 0.1437
4.html: 0.1437
Updated code
def iterate_pagerank(corpus, damping_factor):
Return PageRank values for each page by iteratively updating
PageRank values until convergence.
Return a dictionary where keys are page names, and values are
their estimated PageRank value (a value between 0 and 1). All
PageRank values should sum to 1.
# dictionary for total number of links
numlinks = dict()
# dictionary for page
page = dict()
# set variable for corpus length
n = len(corpus)
# set variable for damping factor
d = damping_factor
# dictionary for pagerank
pagerank = dict()
# loop through selected corpus set
for i in corpus:
pagerank[i] = set()
# confirm ready to initialize
if (len(corpus[i]) == 0):
corpus[i] = set(corpus.keys())
# get page and page rank from dictionary via key:value pairs
for i in corpus:
for j in corpus[i]:
numlinks[i] = len(corpus[i])
# initialize page
for i in corpus:
page[i] = 1/n
while True:
# dictionary for new pages
new_page = dict()
# loop through and apply damping factor/sample for page
for i in corpus:
new_page[i] = (1 - d) / n
# loop through and apply damping factor/sample for pagerank
for j in pagerank[i]:
new_page[i] += d * page[j] / numlinks[j]
# var for active
active = True
if active:
# loop through to check for difference in sample and iteration
for i in corpus:
diff = abs(new_page[i] - page[i])
# limit difference to .001
if diff >= .001:
active = False
# compare difference and update to sample
page[i] = new_page[i]
# end iteration if udner .001
if active:
return page
Updated results
$ python corpus0
PageRank Results from Sampling (n = 10000)
1.html: 0.2276
2.html: 0.4324
3.html: 0.2127
4.html: 0.1272
PageRank Results from Iteration
1.html: 0.2198
2.html: 0.4294
3.html: 0.2198
4.html: 0.1311