I am very close to finishing pset1 but there's just one problem: the user needs to keep entering the height of the pyramid in order to keep printing the rest of it.
This is what I essentially have to do to build the pyramid:
Please Indicate height: 5
Height: 5
See those intermittent 5's on the left of the terminal? I had to enter those in for the code to continue printing the pyramid. My question is what's going on?
I'm a bit confused as to posting my work on this website so i'm gonna err on the side of caution. here's my workflow:
//*prompt user for height
//*reprompt user if height is >23 or <0
//*store user input into variable - int i = GetInt()
//*identify variables for number of spaces (j) and number of'#'s (k)
////**print # rows using stored user input - i = GetInt()
///////***nested for loop to print number of spaces and number of #s
Any ideas? Raw code is available also.