I'm stuck. My program seems to run just fine, but when I run the CS50 check I don't get full results. I think there's something wrong with my sorting algorithm.
This is my feedback if I run this line (starts at 79):
for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++)
// int smallest is set to 65536, equal to const int MAX in find.c
smallval = 65536;
// find the smallest value
for (int j = i; j < (n); j++)
if (values [j] < values [smallell])
smallell = j;
:) helpers.c exists :) helpers.c compiles :) finds 42 in {42,43,44} :) finds 42 in {41,42,43} :( finds 42 in {40,41,42} \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1 :) finds 42 in {41,42,43,44} :) finds 42 in {40,41,42,43} :( finds 42 in {39,40,41,42} \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1 :) doesn't find 42 in {39,40,41} :) doesn't find 42 in {39,40,41,43}
This is the feedback for my current code, which I stated below.
:) helpers.c exists :) helpers.c compiles :) finds 42 in {42,43,44} :( finds 42 in {41,42,43} \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1 :) finds 42 in {40,41,42} :) finds 42 in {41,42,43,44} :( finds 42 in {40,41,42,43} \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1 :) finds 42 in {39,40,41,42} :) doesn't find 42 in {39,40,41} :) doesn't find 42 in {39,40,41,43}
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "helpers.h"
* Returns true if value is in array of n values, else false.
void sort(int values[], int n);
int n;
bool search(int value, int values[], int n)
// Needle, haystack, size
// Checks if the user entered a positive int, as amount of hay
if (n < 1)
printf("We need a positive amount of hay, you stupid ;)\n");
return false;
// Binairy search
int min = 0;
int max = (n);
while (min <= max)
int middle = ((max + min) / 2);
printf("middle= %i", middle);
if (value == values[middle])
return true;
else if (value < values[middle])
max = (middle - 1);
min = (middle + 1);
return false;
* Sorts array of n values.
void sort(int values[], int n)
// TODO: implement an O(n^2) sorting algorithm : Selection Sort
int placeholder;
int smallell;
int smallval;
for (int i = 0; i < (n-1); i++)
// int smallest is set to 65536, equal to const int MAX in find.c
smallval = 65536;
// find the smallest value
for (int j = i; j < (n-1); j++)
if (values [j] < values [smallell])
smallell = j;
// Swap values of i and smallell
placeholder = values [i];
values [i] = values [smallell];
values [smallell] = placeholder;
Can anyone explain what is going wrong? Also some tips for testing my code would be really helpful. I don't know how to find this error myself and I don't want to rely on the cs50 check. ;)