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3 answers

I hope CS50 community can help why I got expected exit code 0, not 1

If I "return None" explicitly for exceptions in a regular .py file, when I do the file, is it correct to test with a "assert function(argument) is None?" I did a pytest and ...
TimL's user avatar
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When a test didn't passed and the describing cause seams to contradict reality, how to get more specifics about the test?

In this case pset3/tideman one test point says: ":( print_winner prints winner of election when one candidate wins over all others" "print_winner did not print winner of election" despite there it is ...
harry hartmann's user avatar
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1 answer

Game of Fifteen PSET3: CS50 - won function and check50

Hi I have yet another question about game of fifteen. I seem to have implemented by 'won' function correctly. Before this check50 was running and I was getting a pass for everything, excluding the '...
i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i's user avatar
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2 answers

What is wrong with my sorting algorithm?

I'm stuck. My program seems to run just fine, but when I run the CS50 check I don't get full results. I think there's something wrong with my sorting algorithm. This is my feedback if I run this ...
Joeri Venekamp's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does check50 works?

I am curious about how check50 works internally. What does it do to make that kind of tests for each program (each pset?). What if I want to implement something like check50? Any advice?
dpalma's user avatar
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pset5-Testing load function separately2

I have been trying to test load function separately (Using Zamyla video for some guidance). I have watched this tape several times, but still unable to load function without compiler errors. I am ...
uma1966's user avatar
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pset5-testing load function

Ihave been trying to test my load function separately,since I have not implemented other functions,size,check,unload . I have got the following Clang error " expected identifier". I do not know how ...
uma1966's user avatar
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