im trying to print the pyramid but its not printing as expected
i dont understand what went wrong
the program works well when i compile and run it
how do i fix it?
this is my cs50chech result
:) mario.c exists
:) mario.c compiles
:) rejects a height of -1
:) handles a height of 0 correctly
:) handles a height of 1 correctly
:( handles a height of 2 correctly
\ expected output, but not "##\n###\n"
:( handles a height of 23 correctly
\ expected output, but not "##\n###\n####\n#####\n######\n#######\n..."
:( rejects a height of 24, and then accepts a height of 2
\ expected output, not an exit code of 0
:) rejects a non-numeric height of "foo"
:) rejects a non-numeric height of ""