I'm trying to add the feature to send "receipts" after buying and selling stocks. It seems to be very straightforward, I'm just using the code that David used in froshims, but I get the following error:
The following From address failed: [email protected] : Called Mail() without being connected
It seems that it is not connecting. Does this have to do with me not modifying the host?
// send user confirmation via email
// instantiate mailer
$mail = new PHPMailer();
// use your ISP's SMTP server (e.g., smtp.fas.harvard.edu if on campus or smtp.comcast.net if off campus and your ISP is Comcast)
$mail->Host = "smtp.fas.harvard.edu";
// set From:
$mail->SetFrom("[email protected]");
// set To:
// set Subject:
$mail->Subject = "C$50 Finance: Stocks";
// set body
$mail->Body = "Hello" . $username . ", you just bought" . $shares . "of" . $stock["name"] . "at" . $stock["price"] . "per share.";
// send mail
if ($mail->Send() === false)
die($mail->ErrorInfo . "\n");