When I run the command check50.... it reports several correct and some incorrect outputs. One of the examples:
:( 3x3 board: move blank up twice did not find "8-7-0|5-4-6|2-1..."
Log running ./fifteen 3... sending input 3... checking for output "8-7-6|5-4-0|2-1-3 "... sending input 6... checking for output "8-7-0|5-4-6|2-1-3 "...
I did these steps myself and the output was 8-7-0 ... ....
Here is the log: 8|7|6 5|4|3 2|1|0 3 8|7|6 5|4|0 2|1|3 6 8|7|0 5|4|6 2|1|3
Here is the report: https://cs50.me/checks/a9c9c6970406e12bdb924db3224dd45592eafc79
Here is the code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ziq99jz7aj9f3bu/fifteen.c?dl=0