I'd appreciate some help with something I'm working on for my final project. I'm trying to create a web-app based on what we had to do for Pset8 - creating a google map that updates with information accessed via API.
In my case, I've created a database of all of the solar PV installations in the UK and have them appearing on a google map. I now want to access information from other sources that I can display on the web-app, specifically:
(i) forecast UK-wide electricity generation from solar PV - via an API provided by sheffield university; and (ii) weather forecast information for each site - which I aim to get via an API provided by the UK meteorological office.
I'm working on the first of these at the moment.
Sheffield university provides information on its API at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ReskTA8ifkYnHv2j9-GC-BmuB7G4wmM-QMwlZi77218/pub
They provide an example of python code to use:
When I try this in a simple python file it works fine - returns exactly what the API's documentation says it will:
So I've created a route in my python file application.py using this code:
def sheffield():
"""Get data from Sheffield Solar API"""
"""See: https://www.solar.sheffield.ac.uk/pvlive/api/"""
# define class Querier - to use with Sheffield Solar API. See:
# https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ReskTA8ifkYnHv2j9-GC-BmuB7G4wmM-QMwlZi77218/pub#h.1qzzbmhxk371
class Querier(object):
def __init__(self, url_base, username, password):
def query(self, substation_id):
return requests.get(self.url_base + str(substation_id), auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password))
if __name__ == '__main__':
url_base='https://www.solar.sheffield.ac.uk/ssfdb3/crud' /
password='' #2 single quotes i.e. empty string
querier = Querier(url_base, username, password)
response = querier.query(substation_id)
return response
Then, in my scripts.js file, I call the function sheffield() as part of configuring the google map - in very much the same way as I call the update() function (from pset8):
* Configures application.
function configure()
// update UI after map has been dragged
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dragend", function() {
// if info window isn't open
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/12410385
if (!info.getMap || !info.getMap())
// update UI after zoom level changes
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "zoom_changed", function() {
// configure typeahead
highlight: false,
minLength: 1
display: function(suggestion) { return null; },
limit: 1000,
source: search,
templates: {
suggestion: Handlebars.compile(
"{{Site_Name}}, {{County}}, {{Post_Code}}"+
// re-center map after place is selected from drop-down
$("#q").on("typeahead:selected", function(eventObject, suggestion, name) {
// set map's center
map.setCenter({lat: parseFloat(suggestion.Lat), lng: parseFloat(suggestion.Long)});
// update UI
// hide info window when text box has focus
$("#q").focus(function(eventData) {
// update UI
// give focus to text box
What I expected was this:
The map instantiates and plots all of my locations on the map. Tick! This works.
scripts.js calls the "update" route. Tick! This works.
scripts.js calls the "sheffield" route in application.py and this (i) prints the json output to the terminal, and (ii) returns a json. (NB I know I'm not doing anything with this JSON right now - step by step!) This fails.
I get the following error message, which I think is telling me that Flask is returning a None-type when I call the "sheffield" route:
I'd really appreciate your help! Thanks, Matt