I'm having some issues with downloading the distribution code for Pset8 (mashup). I am getting everything except US.txt
and readme.txt
. I do get the other text file, requirements.txt.
Is anyone else having this issue?
$ wget http://cdn.cs50.net/2017/fall/psets/8/mashup/mashup.zip
$ unzip mashup.zip
$ rm mashup.zip
$ cd mashup
$ ls
application.py mashup.db static/
helpers.py requirements.txt templates/
$ wget http://cdn.cs50.net/2017/fall/psets/8/mashup/US.zip
$ unzip US.zip
$ rm US.zip
$ ls
application.py mashup.db requirements.txt templates/
helpers.py readme.txt static/ US.txt
This is the process, but I only receive:
application.py helpers.py mashup.db requirements.txt static/ templates/