I'm back in the saddle after a long break. I have migrated everything over to the new IDE. I gave up on solving Speller for the time being and will double back to it at a time of my choosing . I do not want advice on that please. Rather I am trying to download the problem set for HomePage but it directs me to put it in PSET5 directory. My PSET5 however, is occupied by my incomplete speller solution. What do I do ? Did they drop a PSET in 2019 and is that why things aren't lining up ?
1 Answer
The psets have been rearranged a bit. The c programs that used to run through pset 5 are now psets 1 through 4, so yes, some shuffling has occurred. Speller is definitely pset4 now.
I would suggest that you move all your completed work to an archive directory, put your in-progress work on Speller in a new pset4 directiry and proceed from there.
Remember, you'll still get credit for all the finished and graded work that you had.