I am currently working on the readability problem in pst2. I followed the 'getting started' instructions to create and open the file in the readability directory, however, I am still getting a "make: *** No rule to make target 'readability'. Stop." Error.

I've included a picture of my screen if that helps. As you can see I (think) I am in the right directory with the right file.

I've included a picture of my screen if that helps. As you can see I (think) I am in the right directory with the right file Any advice would be helpful! Thank you.

1 Answer 1


Looking at the screenshot, there's no file readability.c in the readability subdirectory. Try typing ls -al on the command line and see what it says about the directory files.

My best guess is that the c file isn't saved yet or it's saved somewhere else.

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