This is what check50 gives me:
> :( handles a height of 1 correctly
> expected ""# #"", not "" "\n"# #""
> :( handles a height of 2 correctly
> expected "" # #"\n"## ...", not "" "\n" # #..."
> :( handles a height of 8 correctly
> expected "" # #"\...", not "" "\n..."
> :( rejects a height of 9, and then accepts a height of 2
> expected "" # #"\n"## ...", not "" "\n" # #..."
and this is my code, which I replaced all the whitespaces with periods (".") for debug.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
int main(void)
// defining variables
int height;
int spaces;
int row;
int hashes;
//prompt user for height
height = get_int("Height: ");
// prompts user again if height is less then 1 or larger then 8
while (height < 1 || height > 8);
for (row = 0; row <= height; row++)
// repeteadly prints leading spaces
for (spaces = 1; spaces <= height - row; spaces++)
// prints one space, to be repeated
// repeatedly prints left hashes
for (hashes = 0; hashes <= height - spaces; hashes++)
// print hash, to be repeated
//print two spaces as seperators
// repeatedly prints right hashes
for (hashes = 0; hashes <= height - spaces; hashes++)
// print hash, to be repeated
//print newline for next row
compiling and running the program with an input height of 8 gives me this output, which shows that the problem comes from unwanted spaces on the line directly below the input line. Where the spaces are added, I can't figure out:
~/pset1/mario/ $ ./mario
Height: 8