I am currently doing the CS50W course and was trying to submit Project 0 (Search). I was very confused with the submission process git and submit50. On the project page, it said
Otherwise, using Git, push your work to
, where
is your GitHub username, on a branch called
When I visit https://github.com/me50/USERNAME.git I am redirected to the final project page of CS50. And there on GitHub there was an option to Switch branches/tags so I typed in web50/projects/2020/x/search
to create a new branch so I can submit my project. But now this new branch has become the default branch and it contains the code for my CS50 final project. Even https://cs50.me.cs50w (the page to check submissions) shows that
Your submission has been received. Be sure you've submitted your Google Form as well! It may take up to three weeks for your submission to be graded, please be patient. Also note that your submissions will not necessarily be graded in order.
Meaning it has received my CS50 final project code for my CS50W project 0 submission. Please Please Please help me as I have 0 ideas what to do now.