I'm happy that my finance website finally works properly!!!
The thing is that I'm trying to make it look like the staff's solution website and I can't seem to get quote.html to behave like theirs (https://finance.cs50.net/quote). On this website, they only show the submit button and after it's been hit, it disappears and the quotation appears instead, but it's all happening on the same "/quote" site.
Here's my HTML:
{% block title %}
{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
<form action="/quote" method="post" id="form" style="visibility: visible">
<div class="mb-3">
<input autocomplete="off" autofocus class="form-control mx-auto w-auto" name="symbol" placeholder="Symbol" type="text">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" onclick="showTable()">Search</button>
<table class="table" id="table" style="visibility: hidden">
{{ symbol }}
{{ name }}
{{ price }}
function showTable(){
document.getElementById("table").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("form").style.visibility = "hidden";}
{% endblock %}
Here I added an onclick event to change the visibility between the submit button and the table, but it doesn't work. I believe it is because each time I hit the submit button my python code is rendering the page all over again, so it's resetting... But I don't know how to solve this issue.
I also tried to add an if statement to my jinja, so that if "symbol" was null it should change the visibility style of the table/button, but still not working.
Here's the python part:
@app.route("/quote", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def quote():
if request.method == "GET":
return render_template("quote.html")
# Ensure symbol exists.
quote = lookup(request.form.get("symbol"))
if quote == None:
return apology("Please enter a valid stock symbol.", 403)
# Return stock data.
return render_template("quote.html", name=quote['name'], symbol=quote['symbol'], price=quote['price'])
Could somebody please set me on the right path?
Thx :D