I am trying to set up my index page so that each stock in the user's portfolio has buttons to buy and sell said stock.
The first step is working so far. Each row in the index table has buy and sell buttons. Upon clicking, for example the "buy" button on the row corresponding to the user's TSLA holdings, the user will then be taken to the "/buy" page, but with a query attached to the URL so it looks like this:
What I want to do with the buy page is now have a script autofill the stock symbol form with the query value, in this case TSLA. I'm currently attempting to implement with the following javascript file:
function fill_buy()
var x = location.search;
var formFill = document.getElementByID("symbol");
formFill = x;
Then adding a reference to the script in the header of layout.html
<script src="fill_buy.js"></script>
Then calling the script in the body of buy.html
{% block main %}
<h1>Buy Stock</h1>
<h2>Your buying power: {{ userCash }}</h2>
<form action="/buy" method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<input autocomplete="off" autofocus class="form-control" name="symbol" placeholder="Symbol" type="text">
<div class="form-group">
<input autocomplete="off" autofocus class="form-control" name="shares" placeholder="Shares" type="text">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Buy</button>
{% endblock %}
However, it doesn't seem to be working. The /buy
page loads up normally, and in the inspector console I get the following error: ReferenceError: fill_buy is not defined
Any ideas? I feel like I'm close, but just can't connect the last dot with all this. Thanks in advance!