enter image description here

It's my first course. I completed the Finance assignment but got stuck for several days due to an error. When running Check50, it gives "expected to find "112.00" in page, but it wasn't found." I've tried everything I could. Rewrote my code a hundred times. I use usd everywhere. When I test it myself, everything works fine. I can't understand what the problem is. Please help.

Also tried

if symbol == "AAAA":
        return {"name": "Test A", "price": 28.00, "symbol": "AAAA"}

same problem with check50


def lookup_company(keywords):
    """Look up company symbol and name by keywords."""

    # Insert your API key instead of 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    api_key = '575FWQMSLVWYTDJ8'

    # Contacting the API
        url = f"https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=SYMBOL_SEARCH&keywords={keywords}&apikey={api_key}"
        response = requests.get(url)
    except requests.RequestException:
        return None

    # Parsing the response
        data = response.json()
        best_matches = data.get("bestMatches", [])
        if best_matches:
            # Choosing the first result as the most relevant
            return best_matches[0].get("2. name", "1. symbol")

    except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError, IndexError):
        return None

def lookup(symbol):
    """Look up quote for symbol."""
    # Insert your API key instead of 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    api_key = 'J7PT0U4JTAK421XJ'

    # Contacting the API
        url = f"https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol={urllib.parse.quote_plus(symbol)}&interval=5min&apikey={api_key}"
        response = requests.get(url)
    except requests.RequestException:
        return None

    # Parsing the response
        quote = response.json()
        if "Meta Data" in quote and "2. Symbol" in quote["Meta Data"] and "Time Series (5min)" in quote:
            return {
                "name": lookup_company(quote["Meta Data"]["2. Symbol"]),
                "price": float(list(quote["Time Series (5min)"].values())[0]["4. close"]),
                "symbol": quote["Meta Data"]["2. Symbol"]

    except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return None

def stockinfo(request):
        symbol = request.form.get("symbol")
        shares = request.form.get("shares")
        info = lookup(symbol)
        if not info:
            return apology("Please enter a symbol.", 400)
        name = info['name']
        price = info['price']
        symbol = info['symbol']
        shares = int(shares)
        totalprice = shares * price

        return symbol, name, shares, price, totalprice
    except(KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return apology("Please enter a correct symbol.", 400)

# Function to record and update user table data
def record_tab_data(symbol, name, shares, price, totalprice, balance):
    username = session["username"]
    action = request.form.get("action")

    # If a successful purchase is made
    if action == "buy":

        # Check if the symbol is already present in the table
        existing_stock = db.execute("SELECT * FROM :table_name WHERE Symbol = :symbol", table_name=f"{username}_card", symbol=symbol)

        if existing_stock:
            # If the record exists, update the number value
            updated_number = existing_stock[0]['Number'] + shares

            db.execute("UPDATE :table_name SET Number = :updated_number WHERE Symbol = :symbol",
                        table_name=f"{username}_card", updated_number=updated_number, symbol=symbol)
            # Record purchase data in the client's card table for Portfolio
            db.execute("INSERT INTO :table_name (Shares, Symbol, Number) VALUES (:name, :symbol, :shares)",
                        table_name=f"{username}_card", name=name, symbol=symbol, shares=shares)

        balance = usd(balance)
        current_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        db.execute("INSERT INTO :table_name (Action, Date, Shares, Symbol, Number, Price, Buyed, Selled, Balance) VALUES ('Buyed', :date, :name, :symbol, :shares, :price, :totalprice, ' ', :balance)",
                    table_name = f"{username}_history", date=current_date, name=name, symbol=symbol, shares=shares, price=usd(price), totalprice=usd(totalprice), balance=balance)

    # If a successful sale is made
    elif action == "sell":
        # Check if the symbol is already present in the table
        existing_stock = db.execute("SELECT * FROM :table_name WHERE Symbol = :symbol", table_name=f"{username}_card", symbol=symbol)

        if existing_stock:
            # If the record exists, update the number value
            updated_number = existing_stock[0]['Number'] - shares
            if updated_number < 0:
                return apology("There are not enough shares", 403)

            db.execute("UPDATE :table_name SET Number = :updated_number WHERE Symbol = :symbol",
                        table_name=f"{username}_card", updated_number=updated_number, symbol=symbol)
        balance = usd(balance)
        current_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        db.execute("INSERT INTO :table_name (Action, Date, Shares, Symbol, Number, Price, Buyed, Selled, Balance) VALUES ('Selled', :date, :name, :symbol, :shares, :price, ' ', :totalprice, :balance)",
                    table_name = f"{username}_history", date=current_date, name=name, symbol=symbol, shares=shares, price=usd(price), totalprice=usd(totalprice), balance=balance)


def index():
    """Show portfolio of stocks"""
    # Fetch user balance
    balance = db.execute("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = :id", id=session["user_id"])
    balance = balance[0]['cash']
    balance_form = usd(balance)
    stock_balance = 0
    total = 0
    stock_sum = 0
    price = 0

    username = session["username"]
    stocks = db.execute("SELECT * FROM :table_name", table_name=f"{username}_card")

    # Fetch data from table

    for stock in stocks:
        info = lookup(stock['Symbol'])
        if not info:
            return apology("Try again later.", 400)
        stock['Price'] = info['price']
        price = stock['Price']
        stock['Total'] = price * stock['Number']
        stock_sum = stock['Total']

        stock_balance += stock['Total']

        total = stock_balance + balance

    return render_template("index.html",price=price, stock_sum=stock_sum, stocks=stocks, balance=balance, balance_form=balance_form, stock_balance=stock_balance, total=total)

@app.route("/buy", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def buy():
    """Buy shares of stock"""

    # Fetch user balance

    balance = db.execute("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = :id", id=session["user_id"])
    balance = balance[0]['cash']
    balance_form = usd(balance)
    price = 0
    totalprice = 0

    # Render page
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("buy.html", price=price, totalprice=totalprice, balance=balance, balance_form=balance_form)
    symbol = None
    name = None
    shares = None
    price = 0
    totalprice = 0

    # Action
    if request.method == "POST":
        action = request.form.get("action")

        # If TOTAL button pressed
        if action == "total":
            # Check if fields are filled
            symbol = request.form.get("symbol")
            if not symbol:
                return apology("Please enter a symbol.", 400)
            shares = request.form.get("shares")
            if not shares.isdigit():
                return apology("You cannot purchase partial shares.")
            shares = int(shares)
            if not shares:
                return apology("Please enter the number of shares.", 400)
            if shares < 0:
                return apology("Please enter a positive number of shares.", 400)

            # Stock information (stockinfo in helpers.py)
            stock_info = stockinfo(request)
            if stock_info is None or len(stock_info) != 5:
                return apology("Could not retrieve stock information. Please try again.", 400)

            # Unpack values from stock_info
            symbol, name, shares, price, totalprice = stock_info

            # Store data in session
            session.update({"symbol": symbol, "name": name, "shares": shares, "price": price})

            balance_form = usd(balance)

            return render_template("buy.html", balance_form=balance_form, balance=balance, symbol=symbol, name=name, price=price,
                                    shares=shares, totalprice=totalprice)

        # If BUY button pressed
        elif action == "buy":
            if "symbol" in session:
                # If BUY action is performed after TOTAL and fields are already filled
                if session["symbol"] is not None:
                    # Check if price has changed
                    check = lookup(session["symbol"])
                    if check is None:
                        return apology("Could not retrieve stock information. Please try again.", 403)

                    if check['price'] != session["price"]:
                        return apology("Price has changed. Please try again.", 403)

                    # Check if enough money
                    totalprice = check['price'] * session["shares"]
                    if balance < totalprice:
                        return apology("Not enough money")

                    # Update balance
                    balance = balance - totalprice
                    symbol = session["symbol"]
                    name = session["name"]
                    price = session["price"]
                    shares = session["shares"]

                    # If purchase is successful, update cash in users table
                    db.execute("UPDATE users SET cash=:balance WHERE id = :id", balance=balance, id=session["user_id"])
                    record_tab_data(symbol, name, shares, price, totalprice, balance)
                    balance_form = usd(balance)
                    session.pop("symbol", None)

                    return render_template("buy.html", balance_form=balance_form, balance=balance, symbol=symbol, name=name, price=price,
                                    shares=shares, totalprice=totalprice)

                return redirect("/")

            # If BUY is performed without preceding TOTAL
            elif "symbol" not in session:
                # Check if fields are filled

                symbol = request.form.get("symbol")
                if not symbol:
                    return apology("Please enter a symbol.", 400)
                shares = request.form.get("shares")
                if not shares.isdigit():
                    return apology("You cannot purchase partial shares.")
                shares = int(shares)
                if not shares:
                    return apology("Please enter the number of shares.", 400)
                if shares < 0:
                    return apology("Please enter a positive number of shares.", 400)

                # Stock information (stockinfo in helpers.py)
                stock_info = stockinfo(request)
                if stock_info is None or len(stock_info) != 5:
                    return apology("Could not retrieve stock information. Please try again.", 400)

                # Unpack values from stock_info
                symbol, name, shares, price, totalprice = stock_info

                if balance < totalprice:
                    return apology("Not enough money")

                balance = balance - totalprice

                # If purchase is successful, update cash in users table
                db.execute("UPDATE users SET cash=:balance WHERE id = :id", balance=balance, id=session["user_id"])
                record_tab_data(symbol, name, shares, price, totalprice, balance)
                balance_form = usd(balance)
                session.pop("symbol", None)

                flash(f"Bought {shares} of {symbol} for {price}, Updated cash: {usd(balance)}")

                return redirect("/")

    return apology("Invalid action.", 400)

HTML: buy.html

{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% block title %}
{% endblock %}

{% block main %}

<form id="buy-form" action="/buy" method="post">
    <div class="input-group mb-3 border border-5">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="symbol" placeholder="Symbol" value="{{symbol}}">
        <span class="input-group-text col-5">Name:{{name}}</span>
        <input type="number" min="0" step="1" class="form-control col-1" name="shares"
        placeholder="Number" value="{{ request.form.get('shares', '') }}">
        <span class="input-group-text col-2" name="price">Price:{{price | usd}}</span>
        <span class="input-group-text col-2" name="totalprice">Total:{{totalprice | usd}}</span>
        <span class="input-group-text">$</span>

    <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="action" value="total">TOTAL</button>
    <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="action" value="buy">BUY</button>

    <div class="d-flex justify-content-end">
        <table class="table table-success table-striped col-3">

                <th scope="col">Your Balance</th>
                <th scope="col">{{balance_form}}</th>


{% endblock %}


{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% block title %}
{% endblock %}

{% block main %}

<p class="h2">Your portfolio</p>

    <table class="table table-success table-striped shadow-sm" style="border: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);">
                <th scope="col">Shares</th>
                <th scope="col">Symbol</th>
                <th scope="col">Number</th>
                <th scope="col">Price</th>
                <th scope="col">Total</th>
            {% for stock in stocks %}
                <td>{{ stock.Shares }}</td>
                <td>{{ stock.Symbol }}</td>
                <td type="number">{{ stock.Number }}</td>
                <td type="number">{{ price | usd }}</td>
                <td type="number">{{ stock_sum | usd }}</td>

            {% endfor %}
        <div class="d-flex justify-content-end">
            <table class="table table-success table-striped col-4">

                    <th scope="col">Your cash balance</th>
                    <th scope="col">{{balance_form}}</th>
                    <th scope="col">Stocks balance</th>
                    <th scope="col">{{stock_balance | usd}}</th>
                    <th scope="col">Total</th>
                    <th scope="col">{{total | usd}}</th>

{% endblock %}


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