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Pset7: how to visit my own finance webpages from other computers?

I finally made it through the pset! Phewww... But I found that I can only visit the webpages from my own computer. How to visit the webpages from other computers? Thanks!!!
Kevin King's user avatar
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Pset 6: "Stopping server" message when loading staff solution and cannot access ide50

For some reason as of today (1/30/16) I immediate get the output "Stopping server" when trying to run the staff's solution of server.c. I'd been able to view their version the past couple of weeks. I ...
user9805's user avatar
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Server ensure path exists

In server.c to ensure the path exists I use this code: if (access(path, F_OK) == -1) { error(404); continue; } This leads to a 404 error even when the path exists. For example, if the ...
minniebot's user avatar