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Questions tagged [ajax]

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2 answers

The Ajax introduced on lecture and in the Shorts Video are very different: will be helpful to know why?

The lectures on the AJAX is confusing since usually, the shorts just elaborates what is on the lecture. But this time, they looks very different. The short video is easier to understand as it gives ...
TrytoLearn's user avatar
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1 answer

my ajax code doesn't seem to be working

Issue: index.html works fine. I can click on button, but nothing in infodiv changes. So the Ajax code is broken! Files location: I run the files on my desktop visual studio code. All images are inside ...
TrytoLearn's user avatar
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3 answers

Problem in using API link in fetch command for AJAX

I'm in CS50w, lecture 5 (JavaScript) I have a problem in lecture 5(JavaScript) time: 1:34:40. Brian said using in code below: <!DOCTYPE html> <...
parmer_110's user avatar
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1 answer

AJAX form validation

I am trying to validate my form, I am having some difficulty. I have tried two the methods, I like the keyup method but think it will be a bit too complicated. One of the biggest issues is submitting ...
Pierre's user avatar
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1 answer

pset8 finance check sub-problem

Working on 'check' problem in finance. I've implemented the actual check function via GET HTTP and responses are valid, have also implemented into the register.html page, with simply displaying the ...
yehoshua zlotogorski's user avatar
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1 answer

pset8 - finance - check - ajax - preventDefault()

I have been working on the final check part for the pset8 exercise. In the registration part, when the username is taken, I could get an alert. However, I couldn't seem to stop it from logging in. I ...
Jin Chen's user avatar
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1 answer

Access just the text from a db.execute return

Evening all. I am working on my final project and have a question about db.execute. When I run my SQL search the return always has the format {"key": value}. Is there any way to then extract the ...
Ben Rogers's user avatar
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1 answer

Blocked loading mixed active content EM after ajax post request to a flask app

In my browser I see the url and it starts with "HTTPS ://ide50etc". I get the EM however that says "loading... HTTP ://ide50etc". Why does it do that? It doesn't happen all the time. When my session ...
Karin's user avatar
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1 answer

pset9: ajax posted json object to flask makes flash messages and rendering templates impossible

I have an app with a form. I put all the info retrieved from the form in an object and then call JSON.stringify on it so that it becomes a json object. Then I post it with an ajax call and my flask ...
Karin's user avatar
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1 answer

pset8 (mashup): Onion articles not showing

My links for non-Onion articles are displaying just fine in infoWindows attached to markers, but even though the Onion aricles are fetched correctly through ajax, they are not being displayed in my ...
mathmagician's user avatar
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PSET8: dealing with empty infoWindows

My infoWindows are working fine when there is text to be displayed in them, but I'm struggling with empty infoWindows. The code I tried to use to implement the empty window functionality is below: $....
mathmagician's user avatar